Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Surgery is finally over

Well what a day that was. The surgery that was meant to be 8 hours turned out to be nearer 18 hours. The anaethetist stayed from the beginning and finally handed over at midnight. Harry was finally brought up to ICU at 2.40 and we got to see him at about 3.30. Everything seems to have gone ok, and the surgeons are all happy with everything. The scans are all ok and show that everything has gone in the right place and is positioned well.

Harry was finally woken up at about 3pm this afternoon and is doing really well considering what he has just gone through. He is very puffy and swollen on the face and once this goes down he will be looking much better.

The plan is to move us up to PMH tomorrow as long as they have a bed for us and then we should be there for a week. Apparently chemo might not start for about 4 weeks which is great news, and hopefully will give him some time off to recover a bit and generally feel better.

Harry has come out of this with amazing strength. The road ahead will not be easy but he will get through this and we will all be there to help him. It has been very comforting to know that so many people all over the world were thinking of him yesterday. So thanks for your messages and comments on the blog it means a lot to us.

To all the kids who took the time to sigh his card at school thanks. This is a wonderful gift and something for Harry to treasure. He will also decide what to spend the money on but for now it is safely tucked in his bank.

Harry I am so proud of you. You are a true star, and although I am not sure of the reason this has happened, I do believe that your strength of character and determination has you marked out for something wonderful in life.

I love you and Ellie tonnes and tonnes. Stay strong my champ.


  1. Love you heaps Harry, and were thinking of you all yesterday through the surgery. Can't wait to see you home again, and hopefully down the park soon after.
    Emma, Misty & Levi

  2. Awesome news Harry that you've pulled through such a long ordeal so well. A true testament to your strength and character. We're all learning from your experience... keep it up champ!

    Nat, Bianca & Trent xx

  3. such an amazing little boy with such a wonderful family and such a strong mum, you are just a incredible...X

  4. Harry, you are a true star just as Mum says. As I've said to your mum you are the bravest person I know. Your strength, your character, your love shines brightly. Your mums words ring true and we are all thinking of you. Rest up and look forward to seeing your smile soon. xxx

  5. Fantastic news Champ!! Harry your astonishing and an inspiration to us all. Well done Harry!!

    Vic special thanks for taking time to keep us all updated. You know my number if we can offer any other type of support.

  6. well done Harry...you are a special wee boy, keep fighting!! keep us posted Vic.love katrina billy n sophie

  7. Sharon Chiesa & familySeptember 11, 2010 at 4:16 AM

    Thank goodness, what a relief. Alot can be said for the power of positive thoughts. Stay strong, and Harry, go, go, go.

    xoxoxoxoxo The Chiesa's

  8. We are SO proud of you, Harry!
    Hi Vic, Thank you for keeping us so up to date with Harry's operation - thank the Lord that all went ok - albeit much longer. Running a marathon has nothing on what you guys must have experienced those 18 hours. You truly are an inspiration to us all at Attadale, but please don't forget that we are here to help you all HOWEVER and WHENEVER we can - all you need to do is SHOUT! In the meantime, please give your beautiful Buddhist (love this description you gave to Harry!) son our love and a squeeze - he too is such a role model for his class - Harry for President! Love from us all. Sue
