Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Home after the surgery

We made it. Ellie had her assembly today and we were aiming to be home for this and were allowed to go home on Wednesday, so we made it. So we are now drain free, and painkiller free and Harry is slowly getting used to the wheelchair. He did ask yesterday if we had any extra paint so we can touch the walls up after he is out of the chair!

Ellie had her assembly today and we were very proud of her. She did a great job and was very clear when she spoke. Both pre-primary classes did a great job.

We headed off to Garden City this morning and it was good to be out. With Harry in the wheel chair and the leg in a plaster and arm in a sling, you can imagine we had some funny looks. You would think that with the bald head, people would think before speaking. We went and had some lunch and one of the cleaners asked Harry what he had done? He didn't say much and just carried on. Whilst we were eating he mentioned about the lady asking and I said that if people ask you what is wrong and you don't want to talk about it, say 'I have cancer' and they will shut up.

Then we head off and Harry wants an ice-cream. Another lady asks what Harry has done? I said he had cancer, but this didn't stop her. She said she was sorry, then asked what type of cancer, if he was having treatment and where. So at this stage Harry is just smiling at me. The lady then says 'Cancer....... a disease that kills!' Well at this point I just had to say 'have a nice day and walk off! Harry turns to me and said 'Mum I thought you said if you told people I had cancer they would shut up' and he starts to laugh. Well Harry some people are even more stupid than I thought. If nothing else I have to thank the lady as it gave us a big laugh.

Paula, Tyler and Braden came over and Jo and Matt and Tim, also popped over after school which was nice.

Then my hairdresser, Gio, popped over with Matilda. We had just been talking about how small Perth is, when it turns out that Gio knows the wife of the nurse, Ben, who looked after us in ICU (she cuts her hair). Harry doesn't remember him as he was asleep for most of his shift, but he was the one who woke him up. I still can't believe it.

Last day of term tomorrow and then we have two weeks of school holidays. Have a great holiday.

Take care, and be good. xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, glad you out of the hospital now,
    What is it you were in for again!!!!! ;-) people stupid never...........
    We are all settling in just fine and dandy up here in the rain just like England (not)
    hope the sun shines for you, i am sure it won't be long before Harry is up and about on crutches then he can chase people that ask stupid questions and ask them if they would like a crutch where the sun doesn't shine!!!!!! no Harry do not do this just smile and sign "sorry i am deaf" that will totaly throw them!!!!!
    take care keep smiling and have a great weekend
    Antonia Paul Tober and Indy, the poms in Cairns xx
