Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Now it is Day Five!

Scott and Harry

The drain which was removed from the leg.

The leg scar and you can see where the drain is before it was removed in the photo above.

So another day nearer to our release from PMH. Our single room has now changed status to a shared room and there is a girl in the bed next to Harry who has broken both her arms. Ouch.
Harry has done really well today and has had one of the drains removed. The doctor was so gentle and Harry didn't even realise that the line has come out. So we have his number on speed dial for when the drains in his arm come out. They have suggested tomorrow for the removal of the arm drains but I think it will be more like Friday or even later depending on when they stop draining.
We had a few more visitors today. Kylie - the car even entertained Kong Kong when he came up this evening. Jane - who bought homemade choccies. Also Liz and Scott came up and bought harry some goodies to keep him entertained. Love the book and have had everyone trying to hit the bat and ball! I am really trying to resist those biscuits but it is hard.
Nanny Shirley, Darren and Ellie came in although Ellie got a bit upset at the end. It is far harder in a shared room as there is not so much space, but I won't keep complaining as there is nothing we can do about it. The nurses have been lovely and even putting up with Harrys cheekiness! They think it is cute, but I am not so sure!!
Harry is no longer on a huge concoction of drugs and is now taking pain killers orally. So will see how that goes. He had a couple of pain scores of 3 and 4 today but I have never heard above a 4 yet!
Hopefully there is talk of us being out next week and the earlier the better is all I can say. Harry is doing really well and is moving more and more in the bed, which is great and puts us one step closer to getting out of here.
Then I suppose we just have to wait and see what the next phase of treatment has in store for us.
Harry has been in bed for nearly a week now and is really looking forward to getting in that wheel chair. How your life changes and puts a new perspective on things.
I forgot to mention Pam Perry yesterday who popped in with Henry Warmheart. I have had to microwave that teddy a few times now and he is being well cuddled.
The frazzles were lovely Sarah, and we just have the one packet left to share!!
I was having a read of harrys file earlier and it was making me laugh as the nurse who was here when we first arrived from ICU wrote I kept complaining about the heat and turning it down. The best part was after we had been here for over 24 hours, she then came and asked the surgeon what surgery harry had actually had. Do you think I can write in the file? If so, I will go write ' nurse in charge of ward telling me to have heat on to sauna status. Everyone in Charlies who operated on him came in the room and no one complained or even mentioned the temperature, where it was warm but not like this. Then Nurse asks after 24 hours, if the doctor can tell her what surgery harry has had done!'
That is another of my moans for the day, but the good news is that she hasn't been back in the room since, as the plastics team told her it just had to be warm and not too hot.
Just been on facebook and there is a picture of the AHG adventurers who are climbing Mont Blanc and they are holding the 3B flag which has the names and handprints of the kids who are on the Oncology ward at the moment. Brings tears to my eyes, but it really is amazing what they are doing and the money they are raising.
When Ellie came into the hospital I took her down to 3B as it was getting a bit busy in the room and we saw harrys friend Nicola who was having her chemo. She has this beautiful long wig and was wearing it this evening. Ellie in all her innocence said 'Wow your hair has grown back fast!' Out of the mouths of babes. Luckily Nicola and Donna found it amusing and were both laughing and I have to say it was very cute! Bit like the little kids I have heard say to Harry, my Dad shaves his head like yours.

My inspirational quote for the day : as a parent, there are TWO things that you must provide your children. Roots to keep them grounded, and wings so that they may soar.

Take care and good night.

1 comment:

  1. This is definately an amazing quote from an amazing woman!
