Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 6 - well I think it is Day 6 post surgery!!

The 3B flag that is being taken up Mont Blanc, with the kids hand prints on from Ward 3B.

A family photo from Fathers Day.

Thursday afternoon and we have had a pretty uneventful day. The drains are still in as anticipated, but might be out tomorrow. Harry had a good nights sleep and a bit of pain relief this morning, but all in all he is doing pretty well. At this stage I am going home tonight, and will come back in hospital after Ellies running race and mini sports day. Must say I am looking forward to sleeping in a bed and not this chair.
Our room mate went for surgery about 1am and when we woke up this morning she wasn't there. Apparently they thought they were going to have 2 emergency admissions so cleared the bed and sent her to another ward and then the emergencies didn't appear.
We now have another boy in the ward who will be here till tomorrow. They arrived here at lunch time after a 6 hour drive from somewhere. Even though we are in a public hospital we have been admitted as private patients. This basically means that our private health fund give money towards to the hospital and we get $30 of vouchers every 2 and a half days to spend in the canteen and the shop. Anyway the private patient officer came in and I think gave our vouchers to the people in the bed next to us, so will have to wait until we get our new $30 of vouchers. She was talking about the delay etc and they had only just arrived so think they were meant for us, so will wait and see.
The nurse is currently putting harrys antibiotics in through a spring fusor and Harry was just telling her the syringe wouldn't fit. She kept saying I am sure it will, and then 2 seconds later, she said "Harry you are exactly right". The syringe didn't fit!!
Lisa and Abs came in and bought me a lovely coffee and some choc chip cupcakes, which were yum! Do you notice my life seems to revolve around food??
Dr Maryanne popped up and visited and the plan is for chemo to start on the Monday that school goes back on the Tuesday. So the 11th October. This is not set in stone as we are learning, every day brings a different answer, but for the moment this is the plan. It will be good if this happens as it least it means that we will get the school holidays at home and a bit of time out for Harry.
After being in hospital for a few days and in a room on his own, Harry said that he is never going to jail as it would be very boring. So that could be one good thing that has come out of this!!
Ellie got up very early this morning and asked Darren if she was allowed to watch tv as Nanny had said she couldn't watch tv before school. Darren said 'well if you get dressed then you can watch it!' So by 6.55 she was washed, dressed and ready for school. Shirley got up at 7, and Darren said she was watching tv and when she walked in she was all dressed and ready! Think there is a power struggle going on!!
Better go for now, as they are on their way in and I will be on the way out!!

PS Thanks to everyone who has commented on the blog. It is good to hear that it is informative and keeping you all up-to-date.

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