Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 9 after surgery

Ended up getting home for another night of sleep which was great, and then spent the morning cleaning the fish tank and a bit of pottering around. Harry doesn't like it when I go, but I think it is more the fact that I am the one person who is here quite constantly and when I go it reminds him even more that he can't go home.
Yesterday was quite quiet. Nanny Jen came in for the afternoon and then in the afternoon Darren, Shirley and Ellie came in with dinner. Ms Jardine also came to visit Harry which was lovely. We have been playing this game called free rice, which asks you educational questions and a company donates rice to a third world country when you answer questions right. So between us we have learnt a bit about the capital cities.
I have to say I am really looking forward to going home now. It is nice to sleep in your own bed after this stinky armchair, and drink tea and coffee out of a mug instead of paper cups. Hopefully we will only have a few more nights here before we get home for a couple of weeks.
Cousin Billy came in and bought his puppy in. No the dog didn't come in the hospital, he left her in the car and they took harry downstairs in the wheelchair.
Harry is lying next to me and he looks very peaceful, well he did until he started saying 'no no no take it, close it'. We had a wonder down to 3B today but didn't see anyone we knew, which is a good thing for everyone who is at home. Harry is still doing very well. Sleeping better, and on less and less painkillers.
I have to say that I keep looking at all things that people are doing which we take for granted and wondering if Harry will be able to do them. As today was so warm there were people riding bikes everywhere and I keep wondering if he will be able to do that. If people swimming comes on the television, I have to turn if off as I start crying without even realising it. I know he will be able to swim but not like before. The emotions that go on are incredible and as a wise friend said the other day 'did no-one tell you there would be days like this!' I feel stronger when I am with Harry but maybe that is because I can let my emotions out more when he is not around, as he doesn't want to see us crying.
Cancer seems to be everywhere and I just wish someone would hurry up and find a cure for this dreaded disease. I am just watching a programme on channel 10 where the mum has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and has only got a short time to live. Ironically the mum is being played by a girl I went to school with in the UK, Lucy Davis.
Still waiting for pathology and tomorrow we should meet up with the oncologist who will tell us what the next stage of this treatment has in store for us. If we go ahead as we have been and stay on the 11th October, then it means we will be home for christmas and the new year all being well. If we end up doing the short version of treatment then we will be finished by the end of May, which at this point in time, seems like a life time away.
Hope to see you all soon, and if you are around in the school holidays then any visitors or distractions would be welcome.
Until tomorrow....
There is a red kite fundraiser on October 21st to see Eat Pray Love, so if anyone is interested please let me know, as we will have to book tickets shortly. $30 per head.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! sounds like home is very near. I am off to NZ for a few weeks so all the best and I will touch base when I get back.
