Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day four after operation - yesterday was only really day three

Boys and their toys!!

So today is actually day four after the operation. Darren did the night shift last night and I got to go home and sleep in my own bed, which was lovely. I took Ellie to school this morning which she was happy with.
There was talk of giving Harry an anti sickness medicine which normally makes him sleep for hours. Typical I thought, Darren stays and harry sleeps, but not this time! During the night Harry had a temperature, and low blood pressure and then they did a chest x-ray. All was ok but now he is on antibiotics. The broviac is working now after Vicki from 3B sorted it out, which is great, and currently we are just left with the drains in and the broviac is currently hooked up but no more attachments.
The catheter came out this morning after a long night, as it wasn't working properly. This is great as the less things he has attached the better, each attachment is a risk of infection. So all in all the boys didn't get much sleep!
We saw one of the surgeons today who has said that the pathology lab have said that they can't give any definite figures but at this stage things are looking good. So fingers crossed we have a good result from the lab. Harrys leg is currently in a back slab with a boring brown bandage round it at the moment. He was a bit disappointed the other day as he said how come he didn't get to pick the colour and got this boring old thing. So some good news for Harry - he will get another cast before we go and will get to pick the colour. If I was a betting woman I would bet on 'green'!! If anyone thinks differently I will put a $50 in it??
Tomorrow we are seeing the plastics man and the drain from the arms and leg might be coming out shortly. Which will be good, as we can hopefully then try and move him.
Harry has had the most incredible surgery and if he agrees I might scan and post his x-ray on here, so you can see what has been done. He is asked what is pain score is out of 10 and I haven't heard him say above 3. He is using his pain control medicine only once an hour and if asleep obviously not at all. He hasn't really complained, although he is fed up with being in bed which is understandable, and we have still seen him laugh over the last few days. Especially when the nurse told him his mum off, but mum won in the end!! Don't mess with a stressed out parent when their child is in hospital, well not me anyway!!
It is funny how things happen and how they affect you. When you are dealt a bum card like this, your only option is to deal with it. Those around harry can't crumble as he needs us to be strong and his strength is what keeps us going. For those who saw me last week you will know that it was a bad week. I cried more tears than I thought possible and slept very little, but to see what he has gone through and how he strong he is being well what else can you do but pull yourself together.
Being with him keeps me positive, and makes me realise that you really shoudn't sweat the small stuff. There is no point, as one day some 'big stuff' might slap you in the face and then you just have to cope. There is also the option that you just crumble and don't cope, but really it won't do anyone any good. Crying is fine and what you need to do to get you through. Shouting is great as it makes you feel better, and boxing is even better if you can find the time to do it!! You also have to be positive and drink lots of coffee to get you through. Loud music in the car helps as well, as this is normally one place where I cry!
On Harrys journey we have learnt a lot and met some lovely people on the ward, none of whom deserve this but all of whom are coping. For all the other people we know and have been there to help and offer support it has been great. There is a team of people climbing Mont Blanc and raising money for Ward 3B, and I would like to wish them all the best. http://www.themontblancproject2010.com/ Their aim is to raise a million dollars, and I have been sitting her for the past couple of weeks, thinking of something to do so we can raise some money and put this towards the oncology ward at PMH. Any ideas?
Once we have the results from pathology and our little champion has recovered from his operation, they are going to hit with more chemo. Actually he won't even have recovered as apparently the leg can't bear any weight for 6 weeks and arm will be in the sling for up to 3 months, but chemo must go on! Our journey is still only in its early days and we have a long road ahead as the chemo could go on for a while more, but with all the help and support around us we will get through it.
To all those who have sent messages and are thinking of us - it means a lot. Keep praying for Harry in those prayer circles.
The picture of the mini moke is darren and harrys new toy. This is their new hobby and they are going to be doing it up. So if you see this little mini moke flying down to the beach or point walter it is us!! (well maybe them and I will be in the aircon'd Honda behind!)
Love to all, and right now I am praying for a restful night. xxxx
Today I have learnt that not every pee bottle weighs 40 gms but some can weigh 41 or even 43!!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of love to my darling grandson Harry such a brave boy you have done so well i am so proud of you.I will be sad to leave you when i have to go back to the UK but i will be thinking of you all the time.God bless Harry and hope to see you home soon.Lots and lots of love Nan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
