Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Home after the first chemo

Wednesday night I spent the night at home, and then when I got into hospital Thursday morning they said Harry was doing well and we were fine to go home.

So we packed up everything in the room which took a while - where did all this stuff come from? Then we went and spent the remainder of the hospital vouchers in the canteen and the shop (one of the benefits of going private), and Kong Kong and Nanny Jen dropped us home as Darren had a meeting at work.

I haven't had first hand experience of any other children who have been given chemo, but I think Harry has coped really well. His appetite has definitely decreased but he is managing to keep his food down.

Whilst receiving this treatment Harry has to do 'mouth care' which is basically brushing his teeth, a disgusting mouth wash and then using some special gel on his gums to keep his mouth as clean as possible. He already hates it, but we keep explaining the importance of doing it. (with a few bribes along the way)
I can't remember if I have explained this before but thought I would just let you know what the next few months have instore for us. We have a plan for the next 11 weeks, and then we have to see what happens from there. Harry has now got two weeks at home, and all being well we will be at home during this time, apart from a couple of outpatient appointments.
Week 4 (July 20th) we are back in hospital for the next chemo. Week 5 (July 27th) the chemo starts again and then August 3rd (Week 6) he starts the cycle again, basically a repeat of the treatment we have had. Week 9 & Week 10 (August 24th and 31st) he has another couple of weeks.

Week 4, 5, 9 and 10 - is a chemo treatment which means we have to stay in hospital until his levels have returned, Week 6 is a repeat of this first treatment. After all this is done, we have got more tests and then Harrys surgery will take place the week of September 6th - well at this stage. Then we have to wait and see what has happened with the cancer and then there is either another 7 or 10 months of chemo.

During weeks 4, 5 and 6 any of Harrys mates who would like to visit would be more than appreciated. You can only have a certain number of people in there, but a few different faces will hopefully bring a smile to his face. So if you are interested in popping by then let me know.

For all of you going away this school holidays have fun and if not before we will see you in Term 3.


  1. Fantastic news. Well done Harry. No one likes the mouth care but it does make a huge difference so grin and bear mate. We like seeing your pearly whites when you share that lovely big smile of yours. Thinking of you all Love the Wheatleys

  2. Vic, Xander would love to come visit Harry so I will speak to you about an appropriate time. H

    Harry you are doing sooo well, we are thinking of you and sending lots of love your way.

    xander, Charlotte and Harrison

    PS: Harrison loves green too...must be something in the name :)

  3. Great to hear that Harry managed the chemo so well and hope you enjoy the holidays.
    Vic you are doing a fantastic job, keeping everyone updated with Harry's progress.
    We are thinking of you all,
    love from The Ch'ngs.

  4. Tough Guy Harry.
    Don't let those doctors get you down.

    DR Patrick, Nurse Patsy, Uncle Tom, Auntie Rebecca, Jared and Adorable Sofya

