Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Second Round of Chemo

We are back in PMH and Harry has had his second dose of chemo. This one is Methotrexate and is meant to make them less sick, but obviously Harry doesn't like it as he was sick 2 hours after it started. Anyway it was an eventful night with lots of wees and flushing but we made it through the night..... just! The good news is that next time we have this which is next Monday he will be given extra vomitting drugs so hopefully that will work.

Managed to get myself a bed and just keeping my fingers crossed that it is free again tonight.

Not really much else to tell you. Hoping to be out Thursday if not before and then we will have the weekend at home and hopefully Harry can make it to school on Friday.

Better go, things to do, people to see and all that.

PS Everytime Harry wees they measure it, and he has wee'd 2 litres in 2 hours!! Bet you all wanted to know that.

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