Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday 9th July

End of the first week of the school holidays and we have survived. I have to say that this is normally the worst holiday of the year as it is so cold and wet, and this time it is no exception. Weather has been cold, but now the bloody rain is here as well.

Harry had his blood tests on Wednesday and everything was ok. We spent three hours waiting for bloods, to have his dressing changed and a couple of stitches taken out, but hopefully all being well we won't have to go back till next Wednesday.

Thursday we went up to Tropical Twist which was good for Ellie, but unfortunately not so great for Harry as he couldn't really go on much. Then in the afternoon they spent the day playing with Sami (from next door) and Isabel. Karen, Ralph, Nicholas and Grace popped in on the evening and it was nice to catch up and have a bit of a chat.

Today we went up to Garden City just to get out a bit. Ellie went to work with Darren as she did on Wednesday. She seemed to enjoy herself and it also gave her something to do.

Harry has done pretty well this week and we are slowly getting into a routine with his tablets and the mouth care. He is managing to eat but appetite is definitely decreased, which really is to be expected.

Laura arrives in 3 sleeps, which the kids are looking forward to. Hope the weather improves as it was like this when she left last year.

Hope everyone has a good weekend, and that we manage to stay at home for the next week. xx

1 comment:

  1. well done young man and family of course for getting through that first week, many a mountain has to be climbed for you to get to the top but you will get there x
    Rain and cold mmmmmm has it reached -10 yet??? No? well you don't know what cold is then lol,
    Hope the sun starts to shine on you guys soon so you can get some fresh air and fun xxxx
