Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day Two

Well I can say that we have made it through day two as it is nearly midnight. Harry managed to get through the night of chemo last night and slept a reasonable amount, as did I. He then felt a bit sick in the morning and was given a tablet which completely wiped him out and one we won't be having again. He pretty much got up at 7.30 then we had a shower and a bit of breakfast and then he fell asleep till nearly 2pm.
He was a bit angry today about the whole thing and why did he have to have this cancer, but this is only to be expected and something we just have to get through. Good job I have broad shoulders, and can handle the insults he will no doubt throw at me. (and anyone else who is standing within ear shot!)
Ellie has been a gem. I didn't speak to her this evening, but apparently she said to Darren that they were doing some bonding (or something along those lines) which was just so great to here. She has also picked out a couple of things from the toy sale catalogue and has worked out that if we don't buy them for her, she knows who the soft touch is and who she is going to ask! You know who you are!!
Ella Miller came in to see Harry which made him smile and laugh for a bit whilst she was here, so thanks Ann for bringing her.
I heard Nanny Jen ask Harry how his day was and luckily he just said 'it was a bit rubbish', which was good as I was waiting for him to say something far more colourful!
Once more thanks so much for all your cards, presents for Harry, and well wishes. It really is comforting to know that there is so much support out there.
Night for now.
P.S. No comfy chair for me Karen, I have my own bed!!

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