Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Third Round of Chemo Is Over

Harry practising with his speed gun!!

Harry with his own whiteboard. (If I had known we were going to end up in PMH then wouldn't have bothered with the school fundraising as we ended up with a whiteboard anyway)

Harry and his favourite nurse Nicole, who has now left the ward unfortunately.

Well the third round of chemo went the same as the second. 2 hours in to the treatment and harry was sick. Then fine for most of Tuesday and then sick again on Wednesday. Levels came down nicely and then we got let out again for a long weekend.
The outside area of the ward has been officially opened and Harry and Laura managed to break the table tennis table on the first day in!! So we have had to play table tennis on half a table for the last couple of days. Dad came in today and fixed the table so hopefully it will be standing when we go in again next week.
Wednesday evening whilst waiting for Harrys blood tests to come back, Harrys temperature went up to 38. They then check his temperature an hour later and if it hasn't gone down then they keep you for 48 hours ! As you can imagine on the eve of our release Harry was not happy about possibly being kept in but luckily an hour later is was .3 lower and we were still on the road out of 3B - well for a few days at least.
Managed to get some sleep and the lovely night nurses woke Harry most of the time.
Fran, I met Ramena and yes she is lovely.
Spoke to Cousin Tom who is in Mongolia and organising the car rally from the UK and also the biggest horse race. Anyway it was great to chat to him and hope to see him at the end of September when his trip finishes. Laura is still here and stopping for another 10 days and Nanny Shirley arrives on Monday morning.

The head shave fundraiser for camp quality is hopefully being finalised in the next week. We are just short of $10,000 at the moment and hoping once all those promised donations come in we will make the $10k.

Harry is off to school in the morning and then hopefully the sun will shine and we will spend the arvo at point walter.

Have a great weekend and see you all soon.

PS Thanks Karen for all those meals! Looking forward to dinner next week now.


  1. You're a legend Harry!!! XXXX the Harwoods

  2. Great to see that you are still so positive, Vic ... the sun is shining again today! Harry what a star raising almost $10000 - AND knowing that "baldies" are handsome (ask Telly Savalas) We pray for you each evening and hope that the sickness subsides. Lots of love from us all; licks from Mia and Snicker. Sue X
