Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Third Round of Chemo Is Over

Harry practising with his speed gun!!

Harry with his own whiteboard. (If I had known we were going to end up in PMH then wouldn't have bothered with the school fundraising as we ended up with a whiteboard anyway)

Harry and his favourite nurse Nicole, who has now left the ward unfortunately.

Well the third round of chemo went the same as the second. 2 hours in to the treatment and harry was sick. Then fine for most of Tuesday and then sick again on Wednesday. Levels came down nicely and then we got let out again for a long weekend.
The outside area of the ward has been officially opened and Harry and Laura managed to break the table tennis table on the first day in!! So we have had to play table tennis on half a table for the last couple of days. Dad came in today and fixed the table so hopefully it will be standing when we go in again next week.
Wednesday evening whilst waiting for Harrys blood tests to come back, Harrys temperature went up to 38. They then check his temperature an hour later and if it hasn't gone down then they keep you for 48 hours ! As you can imagine on the eve of our release Harry was not happy about possibly being kept in but luckily an hour later is was .3 lower and we were still on the road out of 3B - well for a few days at least.
Managed to get some sleep and the lovely night nurses woke Harry most of the time.
Fran, I met Ramena and yes she is lovely.
Spoke to Cousin Tom who is in Mongolia and organising the car rally from the UK and also the biggest horse race. Anyway it was great to chat to him and hope to see him at the end of September when his trip finishes. Laura is still here and stopping for another 10 days and Nanny Shirley arrives on Monday morning.

The head shave fundraiser for camp quality is hopefully being finalised in the next week. We are just short of $10,000 at the moment and hoping once all those promised donations come in we will make the $10k.

Harry is off to school in the morning and then hopefully the sun will shine and we will spend the arvo at point walter.

Have a great weekend and see you all soon.

PS Thanks Karen for all those meals! Looking forward to dinner next week now.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Third Round of Chemo Begins

Seems like only yesterday I was sitting in this hospital bed, with Harry beside me, and now we are back again. We had a good few days at home with not much sickness and lots of energy. Harry managed to go to school on Friday and enjoyed seeing all his friends. Then after school we went to point walter, which was great as it made life seem a bit normal for a few hours!

Harry had his new television put up in his room which he is very happy with and then on Sunday we went to Circus Quirkus at the convention centre. Lara came over for a play on saturday and it was good to hear lots of laughter in the house.

Forgot to mention that last week when we were in the hospital the Radio Lollipop volunteers came round and we were chatting to a lady (whilst playing Uno) who turned out to be best friends with Mrs Humphreys, Harrys previous principal. What a small world!

After this chemo has finished we are back in on Monday for the start of the next five weeks treatment. PEAC testing is being done for year 4's on Monday so have arranged for Harry to do the test in the hospital. As the chemo doesn't normally start till early evening he should be feeling ok, and even though they can do a make up session later on in the year he is likely to be feeling worse then than he is now, so really got nothing to lose. It will also give him something to do as he is not too enthralled with hospital school. Think the point of going to school is lost when you are one of one or at the most two kids in the class. I am beginning to see the main incentive for school is the chat, and also realising every day how much he takes after his mum!! On Friday he said he felt tired and didn't want to go to school, so I offered him a lunch order and he was up and dressed in minutes!! Again just like his mum!!

Well I had better go and get some sleep, after I wake him for a wee of course! Night to all, and again thanks for your camp quality contributions. Slowly but surely we are getting closer to Harrys new goal.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Going home!

Levels are down and we are good to go. (for now). Andrew (one of the boys on the ward) turns 11 today, so the kids are all down in the school making pancakes!
See you soon.

Second treatment is nearly over

Well it is now 12.30am on Thursday morning and we are hoping to be out today. Harry has drank and pee'd more than I ever thought possible and his levels are nearly under the level they should be, so fingers crossed all is good in the morning, and we will be out of here.
We have been in a shared ward for the past couple of days, but luckily I had a bed for 2 nights. This night thought it ain't looking so good. All 4 beds are full, so unless I can kick one of the kids out it looks like it could be a long night.
Harry has been very eager to find out who everyone is on the ward, and has been doing the rounds and chatting to everyone.
Saw Karen and Grace today, as Grace was here for an appointment. It is always good to see a friendly face, and Karen also introduced us to a friend of hers who is also here. So slowly but surely we are getting to meet the 3B locals. Mad Deb also came in, and for those of you from Attadale, if you don't know who I mean you really are missing out. Love that crazy pommy bird!!
The fundraising total continues to rise. I have said it before and I will say it again your generosity has overwhelmed me. Camp Quality I am sure will be very grateful, and I think all in all for something that was decided a week ago, it is just amazing. I am not going to mention what the total is at the moment, but watch this space..... the total keeps rising and I reckon we are not going to set another goal as we have smashed everyone so far and the result is going to be far higher than any of us would have expected!!
As you will all know I love a bit of fundraising but I think for now my focus has changed. So for all you kids who have read The Diary of A Wimpy Kid, the movie apparently comes out in September and this is going to be the next fundraising effort. Different charity this time - Red Kite. They are also very involved in supporting children with cancer and their families, and I think we should share the fundraising love around! Anyway watch this space and I will let you know the time and date, and hope to see some of you there!!
Anyway must go and try and get some sleep. Ciao for now.
PS This photo is a few years old, but have to say they are both too cute, so thought I would share it with you!! xx

Monday, July 19, 2010

Second Round of Chemo

We are back in PMH and Harry has had his second dose of chemo. This one is Methotrexate and is meant to make them less sick, but obviously Harry doesn't like it as he was sick 2 hours after it started. Anyway it was an eventful night with lots of wees and flushing but we made it through the night..... just! The good news is that next time we have this which is next Monday he will be given extra vomitting drugs so hopefully that will work.

Managed to get myself a bed and just keeping my fingers crossed that it is free again tonight.

Not really much else to tell you. Hoping to be out Thursday if not before and then we will have the weekend at home and hopefully Harry can make it to school on Friday.

Better go, things to do, people to see and all that.

PS Everytime Harry wees they measure it, and he has wee'd 2 litres in 2 hours!! Bet you all wanted to know that.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Head Shave

Friday 17th 5.30 pm and the head shave was happening. It was going to be done on Sunday but as Harrys hair had started to come out and was annoying him he decided to bring it forward.

We invited a few friends over and Sharon did the shave for us. So far Harry has raised over $4000 and his aim is now for $5000. If you want to donate send an 'e' mail to harry.oneill8@gmail.com and I will send you the bank details. If you want a tax receipt then also include the name and address to make it out to.

All money raised is going to camp quality. www.campquality.org.au
Next Sunday we are off to the circus and this has been organised by camp quality, so hopefully Harry will be well enough to go and have some fun.

Harrys friend Shaye and also came over and shaved his hair off, which was fantastic. Brendon also shaved his head, so all in all we ended up with 3 bald boys!

At the end of the day, Harrys hair was going to come out anyway as a result of the chemotherapy but I think the realisation of the whole situation was written all over his face as his head was shaved.

Once the shave was over Harry settled down and enjoyed spending some time with his friends. A few glasses of wine, bottles of ruskis and plates of curry were had, and Harry and Ella crashed out on the couch after a long day. Just re-read this and it sounded like the kids drank wine, ruskis and ate curry but it was the adults!!

We now have the weekend ahead of us before Harry goes back into hospital for chemo on Monday, so let's hope for lots of laughter and fun!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Head Shave - Friday 16th at 5.30pm

Well the date and time has been brought forward till 5.30 Friday. Harrys friend Shaye is also going to do the shave so will post some photos later.

The total raised so far is over $3500! Thanks so much, everyones generosity is greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Raising money for Camp Quality

Today we had Harrys check up at hospital and everything was as it should be. Whilst we were there Mum had Ellie at the doctors and she has a chest infection, so I am writing this sitting at Mum and Dads so we can try and keep the bugs away from Harry.

Harry has decided today that he is going to shave his head and raise money for Camp Quality. He read an article about someone who was suffering from Cancer, and shaved his head to raise money so decided to do the same. I am absolutely blown away by the generosity of everyone, he has already raised $1950 and I am sure there will still be more to come.

For those who would like to donate I can give you bank details to put the money in, and then we can give it all to Camp Quality in one go. I am also waiting to hear back from Camp Quality about getting a receipt book for those of you who want to have a tax receipt. If you want to donate then send an email to harry.oneill8@gmail.com and let us know the amount and if you want a receipt.

I will also look into paypal as a couple of people from the UK have asked.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cousin Laura is here!

Laura arrived and the kids have been entertained all morning. I managed to get to boxing and had an hours excercise, if not good for the body it is good for the mind!!

Anyway we are off out for some fresh air, so will be back later!!

Back again. Went and got some fresh air, and now Ellie has a high temp and sore throat. The question is who will go to Nanny and Kong Kongs as can't afford Harry getting sick?

So tomorrow will be off to the hospital with Harry and Ellie will have to go to the doctors if we can get in somewhere.

Night for now, Vic x

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday 11th July

Yippee we have had 2 days and no sickness, and I don't mean because I have stopped drinking and being sick!! So a good weekend was had by all.

Saturday Ellie had Charlies party at Tropical Twist and it was nice to catch up with a few of the Mums from pre-primary. I also saw a friend who I hadn't seen for probably 3 years, who I knew from when Harry was at playgroup.

Lara came over and spent the day with Harry. They went on club penguin but unfortunately Harry got banned for throwing snowballs! Seriously only Harry could get banned for 24 hours for throwing snowballs on some interactive computer website. He wasn't very happy about it and asked me if I could change the clock on the computer as they might think it was the next day. Nice try harry but that ain't going to work.

Today we met another boy who is older than Harry but who went through this same chemo, and surgery a couple of years ago. The tumour was also in his left arm, and he had the bone removed through surgery. They live down South but were in Perth and as we had been put in touch through a mutual friend they came round to say 'hello'. It was lovely to meet them and his mum has been great at answering my questions over the 'e' mail and text, so I really would like to say 'thanks'.

The surgery will leave Harry with a 'frozen shoulder' and mean that he will lose some movement in the arm. He was concerned about water polo, but probably relieved that I won't be sending him off to squad swimming. I was sad for him as he loves the water, and playing water polo. When I put him to bed this evening, I said ' I am sorry about your arm' and was a bit weepy, and he replied 'it's ok Mum we will get through this!' I swear every day he amazes me a little bit more.

They say laughter is the best medicine, and in spite of all the crap that he is going through and the thought of what is still to come, I think we have laughed more in the last few weeks than we have done for months. When life throws you this massive curve ball, you have to stand back from everything you thought was important and realise that in reality none of it was really that important at all. So at the end of the day, there is no point in sweating the small stuff.
Thanks to all the friends who popped in today - you know who you are. Harry has coped so well so far and I think he is just getting bored, but he is loving the company of friends. If it wasn't school holidays I reckon he would have been at school this week, so let's hope it all continues this way.

Anyway one more sleep and Laura will be here.
Photos are of the kids wearing the wig that Nanny Pat sent over from when she had chemo.
Have a great week!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday 9th July

End of the first week of the school holidays and we have survived. I have to say that this is normally the worst holiday of the year as it is so cold and wet, and this time it is no exception. Weather has been cold, but now the bloody rain is here as well.

Harry had his blood tests on Wednesday and everything was ok. We spent three hours waiting for bloods, to have his dressing changed and a couple of stitches taken out, but hopefully all being well we won't have to go back till next Wednesday.

Thursday we went up to Tropical Twist which was good for Ellie, but unfortunately not so great for Harry as he couldn't really go on much. Then in the afternoon they spent the day playing with Sami (from next door) and Isabel. Karen, Ralph, Nicholas and Grace popped in on the evening and it was nice to catch up and have a bit of a chat.

Today we went up to Garden City just to get out a bit. Ellie went to work with Darren as she did on Wednesday. She seemed to enjoy herself and it also gave her something to do.

Harry has done pretty well this week and we are slowly getting into a routine with his tablets and the mouth care. He is managing to eat but appetite is definitely decreased, which really is to be expected.

Laura arrives in 3 sleeps, which the kids are looking forward to. Hope the weather improves as it was like this when she left last year.

Hope everyone has a good weekend, and that we manage to stay at home for the next week. xx

Monday, July 5, 2010

Photos from the last week

Point Walter with Sami, Sean, Ella, Harry and Ella. At the movies with Sean and the girls in the row behind.

Monday 5th July

Well it is now a week since Harry had his first chemo. We have been home since Thursday and have had a really good couple of days over the weekend and today. Harry has been feeling a lot better although is still battling with the sickness. We had Emily and Sean over on Sunday and it was great to see the kids shouting and screaming whilst playing Mario Kart. Then in the afternoon Cousin Billy, Mum, Dad, and Sarah popped over for a bbq.
We went to the movies today with a few of the kids from school. Thanks to Jules for organising and suggesting it. Then this evening we went to Regina and Gils for dinner and again the kids had a great time.
We ordered Harry a new bed with storage underneath and it arrived today, so he is all tucked up in his new bed. The spare room is slowly getting finished, just got to find where to put the last couple of bits.
For those of you who are here in the holidays, if you are passing and the car is in the drive, you are more than welcome to pop in for a cuppa and to say 'hello'. Obviously if it is not a good time then we will just tell you.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Home after the first chemo

Wednesday night I spent the night at home, and then when I got into hospital Thursday morning they said Harry was doing well and we were fine to go home.

So we packed up everything in the room which took a while - where did all this stuff come from? Then we went and spent the remainder of the hospital vouchers in the canteen and the shop (one of the benefits of going private), and Kong Kong and Nanny Jen dropped us home as Darren had a meeting at work.

I haven't had first hand experience of any other children who have been given chemo, but I think Harry has coped really well. His appetite has definitely decreased but he is managing to keep his food down.

Whilst receiving this treatment Harry has to do 'mouth care' which is basically brushing his teeth, a disgusting mouth wash and then using some special gel on his gums to keep his mouth as clean as possible. He already hates it, but we keep explaining the importance of doing it. (with a few bribes along the way)
I can't remember if I have explained this before but thought I would just let you know what the next few months have instore for us. We have a plan for the next 11 weeks, and then we have to see what happens from there. Harry has now got two weeks at home, and all being well we will be at home during this time, apart from a couple of outpatient appointments.
Week 4 (July 20th) we are back in hospital for the next chemo. Week 5 (July 27th) the chemo starts again and then August 3rd (Week 6) he starts the cycle again, basically a repeat of the treatment we have had. Week 9 & Week 10 (August 24th and 31st) he has another couple of weeks.

Week 4, 5, 9 and 10 - is a chemo treatment which means we have to stay in hospital until his levels have returned, Week 6 is a repeat of this first treatment. After all this is done, we have got more tests and then Harrys surgery will take place the week of September 6th - well at this stage. Then we have to wait and see what has happened with the cancer and then there is either another 7 or 10 months of chemo.

During weeks 4, 5 and 6 any of Harrys mates who would like to visit would be more than appreciated. You can only have a certain number of people in there, but a few different faces will hopefully bring a smile to his face. So if you are interested in popping by then let me know.

For all of you going away this school holidays have fun and if not before we will see you in Term 3.