Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Now we have a temp!

Well we didn't make chemo yesterday and unfortunately Harry has now got a temp and a really sore throat so we are back in hospital. He slept ok through the night, but woke up with a really sore throat. He had lots of ice cubes and a salt water gargle and then did mouthcare, but by about 10am his temp was at 38.4. So we decided to get showered and dressed and then took his temp again at 10.30, when it was still 38.4.
Started packing the car and at 11, we took it one more time and it was 38.2.

So we rang ahead to PMH and said we were on our way in. This time when we got in his temperature wasn't down and has actually just been tested and is sitting at 38.5.
They have started Harry on antibiotics and regular blood tests. His neutrophils were .11 today - which is what I thought they were yesterday but apparently they were .12 yesterday so they have decreased by .01.

The weird thing is that children being re-admitted for temperatures is really normal, but just not normal for Harry. Dr Michaela saw me earlier and said, "is this only his second temperature since he started chemo?" She told them to get through his protocol with only 2 temperatures is very impressive. He has also managed not to have a feeding tube and has only had a blood transfusion when he had his operation. I am not that surprised that he is not well at the moment as he usually has a 2 week plus gap between adria and methotrexate but the last 2 rounds have only had a one week plus gap. Dr Michaela then told me that in the UK the protocol would have a 2 week plus gap as even though they have dropped cisplatin the adria still really knocks your counts. So really if he was in the UK we would have another week and therefore he might not have had a delay at all, so pleased to say I can go back to thinking he is superman. Yes he has a temperature, but I think Ellie has had about 3 since Harry started chemo and she hasn't been poisoned.

On another note, Harry has got Mrs Teede for Year 5 and Ellie is with Mrs Gibbs. I am really pleased Harry is with Mrs Teede as at least she knows what he has gone through, and also means he is in the straight class. I have absolutely no problems with a split class but think socially it wouldn't have been good for Harry this year, having missed so much school last year and also being in the split class. I am also really pleased that the year 6's got a straight class as there are a few of them who I wouldn't want to be in a class with again. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of nice mum's in there, but a few that really need a good reality check.

So tomorrow morning little Miss Ellie is starting year one. Wow my baby is now a big girl. Kong Kong is going to be at the hospital at about 7.30 so I can get back and take her to school with Darren. Suppose that means I should get some sleep as other wise I will still be in bed (well on a mattress on the floor) and Dad will be here!

You gotta love PMH, we currently have one tv remote which is being passed around the wards so the kids can change the channels and turn the volume up and down. Why would people steal a remote, I can understand if you took it by mistake but really you should return it.

Night all, and please pray for neutrophils so Harry can fight off this sore throat. xx

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