Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Monday, January 31, 2011

First chemo delay

Well what can I say but Harry isn't superman after all. We were due to have chemo today but his neutrophils weren't high enough to start. I didn't think he would go ahead, as he has been quite emotional and also has a sore throat, but you never know as he has been so strong during this whole nightmare.
Last night when I put him to bed, he was very sad about why this had happened and how it wasn't fair that kids were getting cancer. He hasn't been like this since his operation, so it was quite an eye opener for me. When he woke up this morning he was upset again as he didn't want to go to hospital and have anymore chemo.
We started to pack his case and I then realised that we hadn't even unpacked it since he left about 10 days ago. All these things we couldn't find and a packet of mouldy crumpets!! Why is it that after 10 years of being a mother, I am still surprised that children don't think or do things naturally?
Finally we were ready to go, and Ellie went off with Lorraine and Elliot. We got to hospital and had bloods done. After not wanting to go to hospital, Harry was then really upset when he couldn't go ahead. Dr Michaela was great and had a chat with Harry and we are going back on Thursday, so hopefully Harry can go to school on Wednesday. She also looked at his throat and there are no ulcers but the throat is red at the back, so more salt water gargles and panadol at night if his temperature is ok.
I think the thing that disappoints me most is that we might not get to see our favourite Radio Lollipop girls as they are in on a Tuesday, but suppose we will just have to wait and see what happens on Thursday. Such great people giving up their time to entertain the kids on an evening - Radio Lollipops you do a great job!
On the way back we went to Harbour town and Harry got some ASICS, anything to encourage him to walk. We then got back in time for Lorraine to drop ellie off. Paula and Tyler popped in as there were rumours of class lists going up, but not until tomorrow. Nanny Jen then popped in, and Ellie did a couple of dances for us.
The kids then wanted to walk over to school and see if they could see anything.
No lists up, but one of Ellies friends looked in the class and saw her name on a drawer. So using powers of deduction we have now worked out who is in what class. Ellie has the teacher she wants and a few of her friends so hopefully she will settle in and enjoy herself. Reminds me of that show, are you smarter than a fifth grader but in this case they are year ones??
Ellies second tooth came out on the bottom row, so she will be starting school with a gap! Hope that the tooth fairy remembers tonight as she forgot when the first one came out.
So we now have to see what the next couple of days bring. Harry is not well as he was asleep at 8.00 and went to bed early. He has only eaten soup all day as his throat is sore and had a headache when he went to bed. Ellie on the other wouldn't stop talking, and when I asked her if she could be quiet, she said 'mum I was put on this earth to talk!' Well that told me!!
The whole delay has made me realise how lucky we have been that Harry has really been so well during this process. I booked the fridge men to come out today and then changed it till Friday, but now we won't be here then. I had also got an appt. at the doctors to get a referral for Harrys physio when we got out of hospital on Thursday and have now rebooked this till tomorrow. Book club was booked to start next Thursday and depending on what happens on Thursday we could now be doing chemo. So Kylie can't do Thursdays so we changed, but what is the betting that things don't go to plan and we end up in hospital on Tuesday anyway!! Oh well, only 2 more to go and we just have to keep our fingers crossed that Harry has a neutrophil overdose and he can go ahead.
We also haven't been able to see Nanny Pat as she was meant to come over yesterday but wasn't feeling very well. Won't take Harry round there till she is feeling better as don't want him to get anything if Nan isn't well, so hopefully she will better soon.
I have looked a bit more into the skydive and the place in Jurien Bay have said that they will do the same deal and donate $100 for everyone who jumps to Ward 3B. The only problem is that we might have to jump a bit earlier than November as it might be too windy, so it could be September. Getting excited at the thought of it!?!
There is a Ronald McDonald retreat house up in Jurien Bay which we are entitled to book for a week free, and I have booked this for the July holidays so I can take the kids away for a week. 2 holidays already planned for the year, can't wait!! Wooooohooooooooooo!
Hope that all the children get the teacher they want tomorrow and at least a friend or two in their class.
Will be back Thursday to let you know if we have gone ahead. (when i say we I mean harry - but we are doing this journey together!)
PS Excited at the thought that we are near the end as I can get the blog printed into a book! Don't suppose I could turn it into a bestseller?? Wouldn't that be nice. Maybe I could get extras printed and sell them as a fundraiser!! If you want to be a part of the book, make sure you comment on the next few posts!
PPS For any of you who like quiz nights, watch this space as we will be organising one soon.

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