Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Another Friday Afternoon Bingo Win

Well who would have thought when we left here on Monday that we would be here again so soon and for this long. Harry finally had his port removed on Tuesday evening. He went up to theatre at 7.30, and at 8.50 was being brought back down to Ward 3b. He felt fine and wasn't sick at all which was great, but in the meantime his temperature keeps spiking.

Thursday we managed to get some day release to go to the funeral for Elliot Parish. We went to St Marys Cathedral which was a beautiful place and as funerals go it was wonderful. Emily and Rick both spoke, which was the part that really made me cry. They both did so well. Rick said about a night when he was in PMH with Elliot and Elliot looked at him when they were lying in bed together and said, 'are you thinking what I am thinking?' Rick replied, 'I am not sure, it depends on what you are thinking?' To which Elliot replied 'lets get out of this place!' How many children on this ward have felt that exact feeling and probably said those same words.

After the funeral we had to come back to hospital as Harry needed more antibiotics and then he spiked another temp. So more antibiotics and then we got day release and went to the Wake. Didn't get there till late as the traffic was terrible and we weren't allowed out till nearly 4pm, but we managed to get there and have a drink or a few with everyone.
Stacey kindly dropped us home as Darren had to go and get Ellie as she was with Nanny and Kong Kong. Anyway it was a beautiful day and I am sure that Elliot would have been proud of his parents and his brothers when he looked down on them.

We got back to hospital and again another temperature spike, well I am not really sure if you call this a spike as it hasn't really gone down. Friday morning the doctors came around and said if his temperature stayed down then we could go home. They checked his temp which looked good on the one thermometer but on the other one it was a degree higher and put his temp over the limit. So we are here for another night. I haven't seen Ellie for a couple of days, but she went to her Italian friends house tonight so will have had a good time.

Anyway Room 7 is still full and I am sure will be very noisy tonight, so might have to sleep in the day room.

The excitement for the day was again was that Room 7 won Friday afternoon bingo. Wonder when they will twig what goes on?!?

Fingers crossed that we can get home tomorrow.

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