Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Walking without the crutch!

See 'no wheelchair or crutch'

Fun in the pool with the new kayak

Wednesday already and Harry has done 3 days of school and is loving being back and having a bit of normal life. Monday afternoon was swimming for Ellie and then yesterday she had dance. As soon as we picked her up from school, we started with the 'can I just miss todays dancing?' In the end she went and enjoyed it but it was a struggle. Nanny Pat and Aunty Phil came along to watch her and then when we got home Harry and Ellie went in the pool.
As we haven't managed to get the kayak to the river the kids wanted to put it in the pool and give it a go.
After going down the river the other day we decided a kayak would be a good thing to get as it is great for Harrys arm and is something he can do and get involved with the kids. With being in the wheel chair he has spent so much time hanging around the adults that it will be great when he can join in again and have some 'child' fun. Anyway we spoke to our friendly Finn Kayak sales rep and with some help from Finn Kayaks we now have a beautiful green kayak for Harry and Ellie to use down the river - or in the pool whichever they prefer.
I have spent the last couple of days catching up on work and trying to get everything in order as it has been a while since I have had a few days without children at home. I also rang up CBC to see when I had to put Harrys enrolment form in and found out the answer was 'now!' She explained about sending in reports and Naplan results from Year 3, so I had to explain that Harry hadn't done much school since the middle of last year and she asked if he went to school at PMH. Well what could I say? Yes but really how is working out the number of skittles left standing going to help him at year 5 level? Also doing art on a Wednesday, this should be something that they set up for the kids in the afternoon not as their full school activity for the morning. Anyway another job to be done tomorrow and whilst I am doing that I should really get Ellies name down at a school or two!!
Today Ellie had Emma and Anna over for a play and Deb popped in with Jack and Sienna for a quick swim. I have now banned Harry from using the chair in the house so that he can use the crutch more as it would be great if he was walking normally when we go to Bali and there is no reason why he shouldn't be. Anyway when he got home from school I was doing some afternoon tea and then realised Harry was actually walking around without the crutch. It was so great to see him and just hope he continues to improve over the next few weeks.
Elliot is still fighting the fight, and candles are burning all over the world for him. I can't imagine the pain and suffering that the Parish family are going through as I cry every time I think about them, or read a comment on facebook. Thoughts are with you all xxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. U R a champion Harry,I look forward to seeing you walk into the library one day soon!
