Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A week and half after the all clear!

Well after we got the all clear on Wednesday we did a bit of celebrating over the next 10 days. On Friday we all went to Point Walter with everyone and had a few drinks. We took the kayak down and the kids had a great time in it. Then on Saturday we had the kids school disco. I didn’t want to go but the kids kept insisting so we went.
Sunday morning Ellie had a day trip to the zoo with camp quality which she really enjoyed and then on the afternoon I took Harry to Laras party.
Wednesday was another busy day with an orthopaedic appointment, and it was also Waynes last day. Harrys ankle is still showing no signs of any bone healing so when we get back from bali they are going to look at it and see if he needs another operation. At this point they are thinking he will but let’s see what happens. Harry is walking fully without the crutch now round the house and has been out a few times without even asking about the crutch or the chair which is great news. Maybe the thought of another operation has spurred him on.
We had a bbq on Wednesday as Wayne was leaving and Uncle John popped in on his way home from kiting (not fighting as Wayne thought he said on the phone one day) and had a birthday drink as he turned 60! Billy also popped in and had some good news for us, which I will tell you later when I check if I am allowed to say it yet! Wayne left very early on Thursday morning and between going to bed late, the dog and the kids, Darren getting up to go to the airport I had very little sleep. Had to be up at 6.45 as today was the day of the Red Kite Fundraiser and my speech at the fashion show. It all went really well, considering I was petrified before I got up there, and I also managed to get through it without crying. Hopefully Red Kite made some money from the fundraiser which will go towards children living with cancer.
We then proceeded to drink quite quickly and I fell asleep about 6pm. I woke a few times in the night and kept thinking ‘wow I really can’t remember anything from about 6pm’ and then I found out off Ellie that it was because I had been asleep since 6! Love how the kids now tell me what I did after a few drinks! Obviously not going to win ‘Mother of the year!’
Friday I had a thermomix party and have decided to give it a go and see if I can sell them. I have sold everything else so why not! So anyone who is thinking of buying one, let me know and maybe we can arrange a demo or you can come to a demo I am doing. Harry is so excited as we can make lemon juice in minutes and without all the mess. Lets just hope our lemon tree starts producing more lemons!
Hearing test tomorrow – which will be good if they can do something as he does talk particularly quickly at the moment. Then hopefully no more test till June – apart from looking at his ankle again in May!
Bali is only now 4 weeks away and I can’t wait. Hopefully a good time will be had by all.
Sunday Harry is getting an award from the Lions Club for bravery I think, so that should be good for him. There are a number of children going off the ward as well so will be nice to catch up with them.
For now that is all our news. It is so nice to be home, and I really wonder how I fit hospital into my life as every day is just so busy!
Have a great week xx


  1. Well done O'Neill's!!!! Lots of love xx J

  2. I am not sure how I stumbled across your Blog,it started by reading the community newspaper today and reading about Elliot's Legacy and the Telethon Adventurers.I wish you well and send a special prayer for your amazing boy, Harry. We are all to familiar with ward 3b.
    We lost our beautiful 16 year old daughter Beth
    to Brain cancer 3 1/2 years ago (2007) after battling for 8 months.I understand your fear and hopes and hope Harry continues to grow strong. Have a wonderful holiday in Bali, we were there at xmas and had a lovely time.All the best.Lastly, Make a Wish are a wonderful organisation, Beth had an amazing shopping spree day organised by them where she had fun with her sister spending up big at Meyer.:)
