Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Monday, March 14, 2011

1 more sleep till Wednesday!

Well feeling a bit better since I was last on the blog. Have had a busy week and a bit, and trying to think positive thoughts!

Wayne arrived last Tuesday, and the first morning he arrived, Ellie went in and said 'Uncle Wayne are you awake? Come and watch tv with me.' It was only 6.30, but as Wayne had been to bed early after no sleep on the plane he was ok.

Harry is back into school full time, and now we just have the review and physio to do. His walking was going really well, but he has since pulled something in his foot, so everything is a bit swollen, but he is still managing to use the crutch, and told me today he took a few steps without the crutch.

The weekend was busy with fun and frolicks at Point Walter and then back to Kylies, where we ended up with crabs!! We had two but there was a bit of a crazy crab massacre and only one survived, so bought another one for Harry. Saturday we were at the movies, and then went to Bicton Baths for a picnic, and then on Sunday we ended up with a couple more crabs and then went down to the beach. Then on the evening we went down to Dads for dinner, which was very nice even if it wasn't on my carb free diet.

Ellie is loving being in Inters at dancing and thinks she is so grown up now. She said last week, 'mum you just drop me and go, the big girls parents don't stay!'

I have been so busy since being home, that I am wondering how I fit time in to go to
hospital. Went to the lovely Debs today for a natural skin care demo and was chatting to Vanessa about feng Shui and clearing energies. She was explaining about the different areas and in one corner is your abundance corner. She asked me what was there and I said 'nothing!' So she was explaining about putting different things in there. Anyway low and behold I got home and saw that there was a huge vase with a load of decorative twigs in it, so obviously that is why I attract a lot of dead wood!! The good news is that I have thrown the vase in the garden so all that dead wood should just drift off!

My great news for the week was that my Canon DSLR has been playing up and the flash won't work. I went to Harvey Norman and was just considering buying a new one when I checked and found out that I had bought the camera 4 1/2 years ago! but guess what I had also bought a 5 year warranty!! Jackpot! Was so excited I could of danced in the shop, and now the camera is being fixed for nothing.

So tomorrow is the big day and we will get good news, and look forward to having a celebratory drink or three over the next few days with all those that have supported us!!

Remember life is a gift....make the most of every day!

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