Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New years resolutions!

I was just having a quick read of the blog as believe it or not I can't even remember half of what I have written. It is a really great way to remember - not that I really want to remember - but I suppose more accurately it is a great way keep a log of the events that have gone in our lives over the last 9 months. It has also been a great way for me to 'offload' when I have needed to.

I was just laughing to myself - I know a sign of madness, but I have never disputed that I am mad - and reading my new years resolutions!

1. To make it through the sky dive. - Well I made it and we are going to do it again to raise more money for children with cancer.

2. To be a better judge of character. I want to be the one who says I never trusted him/her/them rather than the one who says ‘I thought they were ok’ when they turn out to be complete moles.- I have just come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is ignore the moles around you, and concentrate on the handful of GOOD people in your life. Don't know about being a better judge of character, as I am sure I will work that one out when I am 90.

3. To lose all the weight I have put on whilst sitting around PMH waiting for a better meal to come along but eating them all just incase.I have started on this and so far have lost 3.5 kilos thanks to good old body trim, a long way to go yet, but one thing I have is determination when I need it!

Nanny Pat leaves tonight and I am really sad about this as I feel I haven't seen her much, however life hasn't been particularly normal and I have spent most of her trip in PMH. Hopefully she will be back soon, but if not we will go back and see her next year.

Harry being through his journey, has made me realise so many things, and the main one is that we never know what is round the corner. If someone has upset you and they made no difference to your life just let them go, as long as you know you did the right thing and have been a good person that is all that matters.

If someone upsets you that means something to you then sort it out. Life is so stressful and everyone has their own issues, and sometimes we need to realise what is really important.

Just got a call from WA stage school and Ellie - along with some of the others in her class - is being moved up to inters, she will be over the moon when I tell her as she has been going on about inters every week.

Better run a million things to do and it is already past 1pm.
Ciao for now, Vic xx

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