Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I am absolutely terrified.

Harry after his operation in September.

18 hours of surgery, losing his fibula, part of his humerus, the whole of his shoulder joint and having been left with only 30% use in his left arm.... it has to be enough to save him.

I know, I can hear you all saying it 'BE POSITIVE', fine but seriously apart from everyone else who has a child on ward 3B, you have no idea. I have been as strong as I can possibly be throughout this whole process, but what if........................

I remember when harry asked me, 'mum, am I going to die?', saying 'no harry, the world hadn't finished with you yet!', and how I so want to believe this. We have been honest with Harry all the way through this nightmare and would hate for him to think I lied to him.

I know he is strong but there are so many other children out there that have been stong. This is so unfair, how did any of us ever end up in this place called 'the resort'? What did we ever do..... but one thing is we will fight this bloody disease with ever bit of fight we have in us, we will raise as much money as we can for childhood cancer research and we will make a difference.

Life is a gift, make the most of every minute of every hour of every day... because you sure as hell don't know what is round the corner.



  1. You're right, I have no idea. So all I am going to say is that I am thinking of you all. Lots of love. Annie x

  2. Fish, I so have no idea - but thinking of you everyday. xxxx

  3. Thoughts and prayers with you all every day. Always here xox J

  4. as a friend of sara we wish you all well and hope for the best in your family as a personwho knows i lost my dad trough this and my love and prays are with you stay strong xxxxx t@v

  5. Nan is here & we are catching up with your news.The limo trip sounded great.Lots of singing I hear, hope you didnt let your Mum join in !!There are people out there who may never recover from that eexperience !! Much love to you all,think of you so often,
    Take care Patsy xxxx

    ps. Tell your Mum I noticed the signs of madness when I first met her at 2 weeks of age !! Her not me !!

  6. Your family has been in my thoughts and prayes for a few months now. I have been reading your blog through a friend from 3B, we went through the horrible disease with our children together.

    I remember the feeling of terror still, the up coming tests, scans and then the long wait for results.

    My only advice to you, is take one day at a time. No more, if that is too much, which sometimes it is, take one minute at a time. Cherish every minute you have with your very strong Harry, know that even decision you make is for him, that your whole family is in this fight with Harry.

    Sending good vibes, wishes and thoughts to you, Harry and your very special family.

    Just one day at a time!!

  7. Hi Victoria, you are right we don't know the pain and suffering you are all going thru, and I can't begin to imagine however we are here to support harry and yourself in anyway that we can, you have got lots of support and we just hope for the best outcome possible, yr all in our prayers and thoughts, all the best lots of love
    Colin ( UK) XXXX
