Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A week and half after the all clear!

Well after we got the all clear on Wednesday we did a bit of celebrating over the next 10 days. On Friday we all went to Point Walter with everyone and had a few drinks. We took the kayak down and the kids had a great time in it. Then on Saturday we had the kids school disco. I didn’t want to go but the kids kept insisting so we went.
Sunday morning Ellie had a day trip to the zoo with camp quality which she really enjoyed and then on the afternoon I took Harry to Laras party.
Wednesday was another busy day with an orthopaedic appointment, and it was also Waynes last day. Harrys ankle is still showing no signs of any bone healing so when we get back from bali they are going to look at it and see if he needs another operation. At this point they are thinking he will but let’s see what happens. Harry is walking fully without the crutch now round the house and has been out a few times without even asking about the crutch or the chair which is great news. Maybe the thought of another operation has spurred him on.
We had a bbq on Wednesday as Wayne was leaving and Uncle John popped in on his way home from kiting (not fighting as Wayne thought he said on the phone one day) and had a birthday drink as he turned 60! Billy also popped in and had some good news for us, which I will tell you later when I check if I am allowed to say it yet! Wayne left very early on Thursday morning and between going to bed late, the dog and the kids, Darren getting up to go to the airport I had very little sleep. Had to be up at 6.45 as today was the day of the Red Kite Fundraiser and my speech at the fashion show. It all went really well, considering I was petrified before I got up there, and I also managed to get through it without crying. Hopefully Red Kite made some money from the fundraiser which will go towards children living with cancer.
We then proceeded to drink quite quickly and I fell asleep about 6pm. I woke a few times in the night and kept thinking ‘wow I really can’t remember anything from about 6pm’ and then I found out off Ellie that it was because I had been asleep since 6! Love how the kids now tell me what I did after a few drinks! Obviously not going to win ‘Mother of the year!’
Friday I had a thermomix party and have decided to give it a go and see if I can sell them. I have sold everything else so why not! So anyone who is thinking of buying one, let me know and maybe we can arrange a demo or you can come to a demo I am doing. Harry is so excited as we can make lemon juice in minutes and without all the mess. Lets just hope our lemon tree starts producing more lemons!
Hearing test tomorrow – which will be good if they can do something as he does talk particularly quickly at the moment. Then hopefully no more test till June – apart from looking at his ankle again in May!
Bali is only now 4 weeks away and I can’t wait. Hopefully a good time will be had by all.
Sunday Harry is getting an award from the Lions Club for bravery I think, so that should be good for him. There are a number of children going off the ward as well so will be nice to catch up with them.
For now that is all our news. It is so nice to be home, and I really wonder how I fit hospital into my life as every day is just so busy!
Have a great week xx

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Given the all clear!

Well what a day, Harry has been given the all clear!

We didn't end up seeing our oncologist as apparently she was on the ward and busy. She knew this as we had spoken about it when we were looking to book the appointment but came in at 10am and was then too busy to see us! I was furious to say the least, but will not dwell on the negative, but on the positive that Harry has been given the all clear.

The only thing that seems to be affected at the moment is his hearing. We have got an appt to see the ear, nose and throat department in a week or so, so hopefully they can do something there.

Make a wish rang today and unfortunately with the natural disaster in Japan, we will not be able to go there. The options are to wait for 6 months and see what happens, or chose another option, so will chat to Harry and see what the best thing to do is.

Celebrated with some good friends of mine yesterday and had a sore head this morning, but hey if you can't have a drink or seven on a day like today then when can you have a drink!!

Thanks again for everyones support!! Enjoy the rest of the week and have a great weekend.

Life is a gift!

Monday, March 14, 2011

1 more sleep till Wednesday!

Well feeling a bit better since I was last on the blog. Have had a busy week and a bit, and trying to think positive thoughts!

Wayne arrived last Tuesday, and the first morning he arrived, Ellie went in and said 'Uncle Wayne are you awake? Come and watch tv with me.' It was only 6.30, but as Wayne had been to bed early after no sleep on the plane he was ok.

Harry is back into school full time, and now we just have the review and physio to do. His walking was going really well, but he has since pulled something in his foot, so everything is a bit swollen, but he is still managing to use the crutch, and told me today he took a few steps without the crutch.

The weekend was busy with fun and frolicks at Point Walter and then back to Kylies, where we ended up with crabs!! We had two but there was a bit of a crazy crab massacre and only one survived, so bought another one for Harry. Saturday we were at the movies, and then went to Bicton Baths for a picnic, and then on Sunday we ended up with a couple more crabs and then went down to the beach. Then on the evening we went down to Dads for dinner, which was very nice even if it wasn't on my carb free diet.

Ellie is loving being in Inters at dancing and thinks she is so grown up now. She said last week, 'mum you just drop me and go, the big girls parents don't stay!'

I have been so busy since being home, that I am wondering how I fit time in to go to
hospital. Went to the lovely Debs today for a natural skin care demo and was chatting to Vanessa about feng Shui and clearing energies. She was explaining about the different areas and in one corner is your abundance corner. She asked me what was there and I said 'nothing!' So she was explaining about putting different things in there. Anyway low and behold I got home and saw that there was a huge vase with a load of decorative twigs in it, so obviously that is why I attract a lot of dead wood!! The good news is that I have thrown the vase in the garden so all that dead wood should just drift off!

My great news for the week was that my Canon DSLR has been playing up and the flash won't work. I went to Harvey Norman and was just considering buying a new one when I checked and found out that I had bought the camera 4 1/2 years ago! but guess what I had also bought a 5 year warranty!! Jackpot! Was so excited I could of danced in the shop, and now the camera is being fixed for nothing.

So tomorrow is the big day and we will get good news, and look forward to having a celebratory drink or three over the next few days with all those that have supported us!!

Remember life is a gift....make the most of every day!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I am absolutely terrified.

Harry after his operation in September.

18 hours of surgery, losing his fibula, part of his humerus, the whole of his shoulder joint and having been left with only 30% use in his left arm.... it has to be enough to save him.

I know, I can hear you all saying it 'BE POSITIVE', fine but seriously apart from everyone else who has a child on ward 3B, you have no idea. I have been as strong as I can possibly be throughout this whole process, but what if........................

I remember when harry asked me, 'mum, am I going to die?', saying 'no harry, the world hadn't finished with you yet!', and how I so want to believe this. We have been honest with Harry all the way through this nightmare and would hate for him to think I lied to him.

I know he is strong but there are so many other children out there that have been stong. This is so unfair, how did any of us ever end up in this place called 'the resort'? What did we ever do..... but one thing is we will fight this bloody disease with ever bit of fight we have in us, we will raise as much money as we can for childhood cancer research and we will make a difference.

Life is a gift, make the most of every minute of every hour of every day... because you sure as hell don't know what is round the corner.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New years resolutions!

I was just having a quick read of the blog as believe it or not I can't even remember half of what I have written. It is a really great way to remember - not that I really want to remember - but I suppose more accurately it is a great way keep a log of the events that have gone in our lives over the last 9 months. It has also been a great way for me to 'offload' when I have needed to.

I was just laughing to myself - I know a sign of madness, but I have never disputed that I am mad - and reading my new years resolutions!

1. To make it through the sky dive. - Well I made it and we are going to do it again to raise more money for children with cancer.

2. To be a better judge of character. I want to be the one who says I never trusted him/her/them rather than the one who says ‘I thought they were ok’ when they turn out to be complete moles.- I have just come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is ignore the moles around you, and concentrate on the handful of GOOD people in your life. Don't know about being a better judge of character, as I am sure I will work that one out when I am 90.

3. To lose all the weight I have put on whilst sitting around PMH waiting for a better meal to come along but eating them all just incase.I have started on this and so far have lost 3.5 kilos thanks to good old body trim, a long way to go yet, but one thing I have is determination when I need it!

Nanny Pat leaves tonight and I am really sad about this as I feel I haven't seen her much, however life hasn't been particularly normal and I have spent most of her trip in PMH. Hopefully she will be back soon, but if not we will go back and see her next year.

Harry being through his journey, has made me realise so many things, and the main one is that we never know what is round the corner. If someone has upset you and they made no difference to your life just let them go, as long as you know you did the right thing and have been a good person that is all that matters.

If someone upsets you that means something to you then sort it out. Life is so stressful and everyone has their own issues, and sometimes we need to realise what is really important.

Just got a call from WA stage school and Ellie - along with some of the others in her class - is being moved up to inters, she will be over the moon when I tell her as she has been going on about inters every week.

Better run a million things to do and it is already past 1pm.
Ciao for now, Vic xx

Hummer Hummer

Nearly through another week - where does the time go? Saturday afternoon we went to Bradens party at point walter and took the kayak down there for the kids to play on. We had all chipped in and bought Braden an ipod which was great, but Harry told me he knew as some of the kids had mentioned it to him. So I got a mug and plate making kit and wrapped this up with the ipod inside. Braden was fantastic, 'wow' he says ' I can paint a picture of a bunny', although this is harrys version I still think he said 'I can paint a picture of bali'. Afterwards Harry and Tyler were saying to him about it and he said 'what did you want me to say, 'thanks but I wanted an ipod!' Well done Braden your politeness shone through, and you got what you wanted in the end anyway!
Then on Sunday we went to the cottesloe civic centre for breakfast as Nanny Pat and Aunty Phil are leaving this week. Harry has been doing really well but you could see by the end of last week that he was absolutely shattered. Trying to get him back into a routine and a pattern of school work and down time is proving to be difficult but I am sure we will get there in the end. I popped over to school yesterday as Ellie had forgotten something, and she dragged me over to see a drawing that was on the school wall. Someone had decided to draw a willy on the wall, and Ellie thought this was quite funny. The part that she found particularly funny was that one of the teachers had told her it was a banana and two oranges. She looked at me and said 'seriously mum have you ever seen a banana like that. Of course it's not fruit!' It was all I could do to walk away and not laugh!
Today (wednesday 2nd march) Harry had his CT scan. We won't know the results till his review which is in 2 weeks. Friday is the GFR and Bone Scan. The next week we have the hearing test and the heart test! So keeping everything crossed for good results.
The surprise was now here! Alan Nelson from Dreamhost Limousines has donated a hummer ride to the PMH Foundation every month and they had given one of the rides to Harry. He invited some of his friends and then Ellie invited one of her friends and today at 3.30 the Limo arrived.
The kids were all so excited and we drove up to Kings Park and then back down to Point walter. PMH Foundation met us up at Kings Park and gave all the kids a stitches teddybear and then we headed back down the freeway and to point walter. Alan Nelson was a really lovely and genuine man. Harry connected his ipod and then we played some of the music on Harrys ipod. I hate to laugh, a load of 10 year olds, with a couple of 6 year olds singing S & M by Rihanna at the top of their voice! Good job they don't know what they are singing - well I hope they don't anyway. When we got to point walter the kids went in the river and had a swim and then we got fish and chips for everyone. All in all they had a great day, and one they will hopefully remember for a while!