Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Friday, June 3, 2011

One week to go and then we have our 3 months post treatment scans

Wow, nearly 3 months since we have been on Ward 3B as an inpatient and now it is time for more scans. Harry is doing really well, and has been at school full time since we finished treatment. He still gets tired quicker than Ellie (but she is an energizer bunny) but you can see him getting back to his old self more as the time goes on. His hair is growing back and looks as if it is going to have a wave in it.
They have decided that they are going to re-operate on his ankle as there is no healing in the bone. On the day they are going to decide if they need to do a bone graft from his pelvis and they are also going to look at the arm as there could be a screw they need to remove. The surgeon thinks we will only be in hospital for a night or two, so hopefully he is right as we will be on Ward 6 in one of those delightful 6 bedded rooms!! Yippee, can't wait.
This journey is such a roller coaster, and the worst part is that even after treatment the journey is definitely not over. Whilst treatment is going on, you just get in this tunnel and keep going as best you can so that you can get out of the other end, but what happens once you are out of the tunnel? Reality starts to hit home. Why Harry? Why any child on 3B? I know that Harry is with me, and many parents of Ward 3B have lost their children, but I still find it hard when faced with things that he now can't do because of his operation. We went to look at a school the other day for Year 8, and on one of the pages there was a picture of a child on a flying fox at a Camp. I know it is only a flying fox, but I still had to stop myself from crying because it is something he can't do.
Luckily Harry is stronger than most of us and he carries on and doesn't complain.
The quiz night is a week away and we have been given lots of prizes so hopefully it will be a good night, and have lots of tables booked.
Sunday night we are off to the C Restaurant as a Telethon Adventurer fundraiser. I am sure it will be a great night and all Matt Turners hard work will pay off.
Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the long weekend for those of you in Perth.

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