Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day one after surgery

Well my one pair of knickers didn't work as we are still here!! Harry had a good night sleep. He woke regularly, but the first time he woke I was obviously fast asleep and he threw teddy at my head. I jumped out the chair and then said 'did you throw a teddy at my head?'He said 'yes, I called you for 5 minutes (which probably meant 5 seconds) and you didn't wake up! He is so lucky I love him. He still isn't feeling 100 percent, but he hasn't been sick since last night. Had a healthy breakfast of maltesers, turkish delight and a half piece of toast!
Harry hasn't managed to get out of bed and his hip area where they took the bone is very sore, swollen and will have a bruise the size of his hand probably.
Sam (one of the doctors) came up and chatted to Harry about not putting weight on the leg, so let's hope this time it all fuses and the graft does its job.
Popped down to 3B for my shower, as there is nowhere up here that I have found. Saw a few familiar faces and one of the lovely nurses is pregnant, which is exciting news.
Popped home and did a quick bit of work with all the visa points changing, I had to lodge a few before the end of the month.
Met a lady in the kitchen tonight and she had a little baby in her arms and we started to chat. I asked her why she was in here and it turns out her 9 year old daughter has a mark on her pelvis bone and they are trying to establish what it is. She said 'hopefully it is just an infection'. I couldn't get out of there quick enough as didn't want her to ask about Harry as that is how our journey started. Even though it seems no-one up there is listening, I hope with all my heart that it is an infection and not the dreaded C that is ruining so many lives.
Keep your fingers crossed this ankle bone fuses together. For those of you who have been on the ward, I can't write the full words as dad will tell me off for swearing, but FYC!
Remember yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift! LIFE IS A GIFT!

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