Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Touch and go for a bit!

Love a santa photo!

Fun in the pool!

What can I say, but have had a few hair raising moments over the past week. Harry has been in the pool and is loving the freedom to have a shower without a worry of getting the broviac wet.
We had some friends round on thursday, some who have now left for Brisbane and all the kids had a great time in the pool. Think it was a bit much for Harry however as when he got out of the pool he slipped. Jumping catfish, I nearly had a heart attack. He cut his elbow and knee and also felt like he had bent his ankle back and not the one on the good leg. He was absolutely terrified as he thought he had snapped something. Managed to get him to sleep and calm him down, and in the morning he went off to school. I rang the plastic surgeon as our orthapedic surgeon is away for a couple of months, and he said if Harry was in pain after the weekend to bring him in. Harry hasn't been using his ankle so I decided to take him in to see if he had done anything or was it more that he was nervous at the thought of another operation if he had done something? Anyway I am happy to say that all is ok. When he had the x-ray I asked if I could have a look as couldn't stand the suspense of waiting for one of the doctors to have a look and not that I am a doctor, but all looked to be where it was before, so felt a sigh of relief!
Saturday night Harry came in and asked me to take his temperature. It was 38 degrees and this means that if it doesn't go down in the hour then you have to take them into hospital. So we had dinner and I packed Harrys bag, and luckily after checking half an hour later it was down to 37! Phew that was a narrow escape!! I have to say we have been incredibly lucky so far as we haven't been admitted other than for chemo. I realise that this luck can't go on forever, but for now we have to just enjoy our time out.
Nanny pat arrives on Sunday and we are looking forward to seeing her, but before that we have to get the christmas decorations up and start to get in the festive spirit!
Enjoy your week.
PS If you are still awake and I haven't put you to sleep, please write a comment, somtimes I feel like I am talking to myself, well most of the time actually!


  1. What a week Vic but glad to hear all is ok. Give everyone my love. We read the blog avidly! x

  2. It's nice to have an update Vic!! Sounds like u have had a stressful week!!! What a worry hun!! So nice to see pics of Harry having fun in the pool. U r all doing so well hun!!! How is the fundraising going now??? It's sooooooooooooo cold here at the moment!!! Minus ten!!!!! I can't wait to spend a winter in a warm place!!!! Thanks for everything Vic!!! Love reading your blog updates!!! Your all such stars!!! Xxx

  3. Hi Vic,

    I for one read the blog first thing every morning, so your aren't talking to yourself!!

    Much love from this end,

    Roy xx

  4. Wow Vic, what a week, don't ever ever think you are talking to yourself....someone is always listening
    Paula xxxxx

  5. of course you are not talking to yourself,well no more than you have always done !! But you are lots of our first thoughts, as we sit down at the computer. Great to talk yesretday and to hear that fun was being had in the pool !
    take care my love. Much love to all Patsy

  6. Far away but close in thought. I think about you guys tons and tons. lol Carrie xxxxxxxx
