Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Round 9 of Chemo Finished

Another week of chemo finished and we are back at home, minus his leg cast and his sling. Yippee! Now I just have to encourage him to get out of the chair and walk! Harry did really well this week. He started his chemo (methotrexate) on Tuesday and his levels were low enough on Friday so that we were able to leave. The chemo is given in a very high dose over 4 hours and the next couple of days is hydration to try and flush the chemo out so that is doesn't destroy certain organs in the body. As usual we had a visit from the doctors as Harry had a positive fluid balance and was a couple of kilo's heavier. Having done this a couple of times now, I said 'don't worry, just about bed time he will start to wee and it will happen all night long!' and I was right. Every hour on the hour and by the morning we were no longer in positive balance. Needless to say I didn't get a lot of sleep!
Harry had an echo test, which is done on a regular basis to check the heart is not being affected by the chemo. He also had a hearing test. Last time we had this done after his operation, the high levels had been slightly affected but Harry did have a cold at this point, so we weren't sure if this was the reason. Anyway they repeated the test and unfortunately his hearing has been slightly affected, but not in the normal speech range. The chemo we have next week is the one that affects the hearing and luckily we only have one more of these, and they might even look to alter the dose before we start.
Next week has a whole heap of tests starting Monday morning with a kidney test. Then in the afternoon he will be having the operation to remove his broviac and insert the port. He is pleased as it means he will be able to swim in a week or so, but wonder if he will get nervous again before the event. Then on Tuesday we start chemo, Wednesday we have a MRT and a CT scan, and Friday we have another meeting with the plastics team.
Professor Wood came in on Friday and saw Harry. He removed the sling and asked them to remove the cast. It was quite funny as he got Harrys arm and pulled it this way and that, and Harry didn't say a word. If Lisa, the physio, had done it, she would probably have got a smack! Anyway Prof Wood came out unharmed, so all ended well. He is allowed to walk on it using the crutch within the boundaries of his comfort. The foot is very stiff after being in a cast for 9 weeks, but hopefully in a couple of weeks it will feel better. When he goes to school we will probably put the arm in a sling, just as it is still pretty delicate and the last thing you want is something to happen now. Mums neighbout Lynn has also lent Harry an air cast which is something he can use and take off as he fancies, and means he doesn't have to sleep with anything on the leg. We just have to encourage him to walk, as it is very awkward using the crutch and after being in the wheelchair for so long he gets tired very quickly. The good news is that they did an x-ray again, and at the top part of the donor bone this looks to be healing which is good news.
We had a double room this week and Harry shared for one night with Nicola who we met on the ward. It is so much better for the kids to share with someone rather than being stuck in a room on their own.
Looking forward to this time next week as it will mean that we have a couple of weeks at home. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you soon.

PS Just watching Telethon and then off to bed.

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