Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Home for the weekend - November 5th - 8th

This photo was from the school disco a week ago. Sue B found it highly amusing that on the back of the wheelchair it said PMH and next to it was my ruskis!! So as promised here is the photo Sue!

Well we made it home! Harrys levels were done to .09. This is the methotrexate level in his body. The chemo goes in for four hours at a huge dose and then they spend the next few days trying to flush it out of the system so it doesn't affect the various organs. The level has to be below .1, so really we just made it. This could be because of the fact they did the level very early as they were also testing him for glucose.

Harry had a good night Thursday. We had a nurse that I have seen before but has never looked after us. Her name was Pam and she sounds just like Pam Perry. Harry was asleep when she arrived and woke a couple of times to go for a wee, and the nurse came in. She could have only said a few words, and Harry said 'she sounds like Pam Perry,' and then went back to sleep!

We went to the see plastics, and the room was full of a million people waiting for their appointments. After Harry just having chemo there was no way I was going to sit around in a room full of potential germs, so asked how long the wait would be, as Harry had just finished chemo and didn't want him to catch anything? and we jumped the entire queue and went straight to the front! There has to be some perks of having to go through this awful treatment. We saw Dr Savundra who explained that the screws which are holding the tib and fib together at the ankle area need to have some bone healing because if the screws break from the pressure it will mean anothe operation. Harry had the option to have his cast off but he would literally then only be able to transfer from the bed / seat chair and back again, or keep it on and use the crutch occasionally. He hardly uses the crutch as it is such hard work, but have to keep pushing him as the longer he doesn't use it the worse it will eventually be. We were then sent for another xray and this time there was some sign of healing but not enough for Harry to be able to walk!

We were home by lunchtime and harry and I stayed at home and chilled for a couple of hours before Ellie came out of school. After school we then headed down to the river for a few ruskis and some hot chips. Then we took the kids to McDonalds for tea, and afterwards I ended up going to 'Double Lucky' in leederville with the girls.

I got some lovely new pyjamas which was very sweet of the girls. For those of you who know me, you will often find me in my pyjamas at any time over the weekend. Why get dressed if you are not going anywhere I say. Anyway to say PMH is like a second home would be an understatement, and on Friday morning this was made more apparent when I went to the Kite Cafe on the 4th floor - we stay on the third floor - in my pyjamas! Harry wanted sushi, but I told him there wouldn't be any and 7.45 and I wasn't even dressed! The nurse then came in and we asked her and she thought there would be! So being the good mother that I am, and doing as I am told I went up the cafe in my pj's on the hunt for sushi. As I thought the sushi delivery hadn't arrived and instead we ended up with egg and bacon. Anyway at least next week i will have some nice new pyjamas to go up there in!!

Thanks to everyone who made us dinners this week, and of course to Paula Beck for organising it. Everything has been eaten and nothing wasted. It was so good just not to have to think about food, and know that Ellie was eating good food and not living off polony sandwiches.

Anyway we are back in on Tuesday and will be there till Friday again hopefully, so if anyone wants to pop up then please do.

Ciao for now, Vic x

PS Forgot to mention in my previous that Uncle Johnny also popped into the hospital as well as Aunty Marj who had been in bearing gifts! Don't want him to feel left out at all. I know how disappointed he is that he won't be here for the sky dive, but we will be very grateful for their donation to the cause.

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