Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Round 10 done!

The Mini Moke has now been redone!

I should feel sort of excited as we are now over half way through our treatment, but feel a bit shattered after 3 weeks of treatment, and I haven't even had any chemo so can only imagine how Harry is feeling.
The week started off with a 7am arrival at PMH as Harry had to have a kidney test, and as he was booked in for surgery in the afternoon we had to have the test done early. The kidney test was done and then in the afternoon he had the broviac removed and the port put in. Considering the last operation he had, this one was going to be a walk in the park, but understandably he still got a bit upset when the time came. The operation took an hour and then he slept most of the night. He was in a bit of pain, and had a couple of painkillers but by Tuesday he was fine.
Chemo started in the afternoon on Tuesday, using the port for the first time. Unfortunately as these are 2 chemo's that can't be mixed, they had to keep the canular in his arm and put chemo through this as well as the port. It was all a bit difficult as the left arm has only just come out of the sling and now the right arm is strapped to a board, so as you can imagine it was another few days of being on call.
An MRI and CT had been booked, rebooked and then rebooked with all the changes of operations etc and again we had to change the wednesday booking to Thursday for a CT and then Friday for an MRI. I wasn't overly pleased as we have spent 3 weeks in hospital and now have to come back on Friday to do an MRI.
Thursday morning started off well. Harry went off to school quite enthusiastically and made Penguin Waffles. Thank goodness he goes to 'real' school occasionally as he really hasn't done much in the hospital. The kids either feel sick or they do cooking or art?!? At 10.30 they have a break and then Harry returned to school after 11. Next thing the nurses are running around as Harrys line which is connected to the chemo has come free, and chemo is running over him. The blue coats and purple gloves appear and spill kits are opened up. Luckily there was no lasting damage, but Harry was a bit upset, more so from the shock of what happened. Clothes had to be sent home and washed 3 times, and Harry had to be reshowered to make sure the chemo didn't attack his skin.
On Thursday afternoon there was a presentation of money from the Police who rode their motorbikes from Perth to Canberra to raise money towards the Mont Blanc Project, upstairs in megazone. They wanted some kids to go up there, and after first being told he could go, Harry was told he couldn't because he was still having chemo. So we are sitting in the room and waiting and then we are told that the Ward Manager has said Harry can go as she is going to be upstairs as well and off we go with Nurse Rachel and another purple spill kit bag. Luckily nothing happened and there was a bit of channel 10 filming and some yummy food. Just after the cheque was given we had to leave as the chemo machine started beeping.
Then we go off for the line flush and get ready for our CT scan and then we are free to go till the morning.
So we get home for the night, and I am tired and grumpy. Got a good nights sleep and then back to the hospital in the morning. A plastics appt. had been made for 10 and then we had the MRI at 1. We saw Dr Savundra, who is a really nice guy. He is still saying that Harry needs to be cautious as there isn't a lot of healing going on in the leg but the arm is healing well. So the wheelchair is going to be our friend for another few weeks yet. Going in the pool should be good for physio, and by next wednesday that is where we will be. Afterwards we tried to get in early for the MRI, but no luck and we saw Jules and Will who were also at PMH and had a coffee and a chat. Then we went down to the ward and caught up with Maddie and Nicola, and waited till 1pm and off we went for the MRI.
We go upstairs and have to fill the form in and the man doing the scan asked if Harry had any clips in his arm. On Harrys x-rays there are little lines and I thought they were blood vessels, but after asking last week found out they were clips which were used to clip the blood vessels. So we tell the man and say 'you better check the x-rays' and then he comes back and says 'well we can't do an MRI as there is far too much metal in his arm!' Seriously, well you can imagine my reaction. We have just spent 3 hours in the hospital when we didn't even need to be here!!! Aaaaarrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
So back home, to pick Ellie up from school and then down to Point Walter for the usual Friday afternoon session. Harry is doing well considering the Chemo he has just had, and just feeling a bit out of sorts. Hopefully we will be able to keep the sickness at bay and hope that the next 2 weeks will be temperature free so we can stay at home before another 3 weeks at hospital.
Have a good weekend and see some of you soon.

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