Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day on Ward 3B

Harry and Ellie a couple of months ago!!

Well I suppose this is the first day of the next year. We dropped Ellie off next door at 7.30 this morning in her pyjamas and off we went with Harry to PMH. Harry was in good spirits, and he went to hospital school whilst we waited for his operation to put the broviac line in.
The nurses came to take him down around lunchtime, and you could see he was starting to get a bit anxious. I have to say so was I, and I wasn't having anything done. The staff were all great, and he went off to sleep nicely and the operation was due to be an hour long. Darren and I went off to get something to eat as we hadn't eaten all morning as thought we better 'fast' with Harry. The doctor came in an hour later to tell us that everything had gone well and Harry was waking up. He then had to go for an x-ray to check that the line had been put in the right place, and slowly started waking up.
He was a bit groggy when he woke up which was understandable, and didn't say a lot, which is unusual. He managed to eat a ham sandwich, but complained he was feeling a bit sick for a while. Kong Kong, Darren and I sat with him for a while and he slowly started to have a laugh.
The ward he is on is like the basement and you can see the cars going past. Harry sat there and must have completely forgot where he was, as he said 'is there a hospital near by as I have seen three ambulances go past today?' Well we couldn't stop laughing. Shortly after the ladies from Radio Lollipop came by and I decided to leave them all playing a game of skip bo. Kong Kong (Dad) stayed with Darren and it was lovely to see the 'boys' doing some bonding.
I came home to pick up Ellie and we rang Harry so that Ellie could speak to him. Since I had left Harry had managed to have some dinner, and had started walking around. Ellie said she couldn't wait till Harry gets home, poor thing has no idea of what the next year is going to bring, but maybe this is a good thing.
Tomorrow Harry has to have a heart test and also a kidney test. Then a hearing test on Wednesday and a Pet Scan on Thursday. We are still not sure when the treatment is going to start but we are having a meeting with Dr Phillips tomorrow and am sure that we will find out then.

Thanks for all your kind messages, texts and phone calls. It is lovely to know we have so much support.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Harry, Ellie, Vic and Darren

    well done on getting through the first day in hospital and so glad everything went well today.

    Much love


    p.s. Harry, Sofya got her kiss from you today and she sends a big dribbly one back!
