Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I have to share

Today we spent the day at Bayswater Football Club, shaking tins and selling merchandise. We had a good day and the people were very generous. One lovely couple came up and donated $50 as they had read the Parish family story in the STM magazine a couple of weeks ago. The kids had a lovely time and did well as they shook tins for over 6 hours!
Tonight on the news was the story of another family from 3B who have gone home as there is nothing more they can do for Zxavier who is 2 years old. Not only this, but Shelleys husband was killed in a car crash last year and she has 4 children. What is wrong with the world, and how much can a family take.
I sit here with tears streaming and wonder why cancer has been sent here to cause all this devastation and why can't it go away and leave us all alone? These children have done nothing, yet their childhoods are being taken away from them. For those who don't survive the cancer their families are left with their hearts being torn apart. For those who survive the cancer and chemotherapy, life after treatment certainly has its challenges. Cancer is a part of our lives, and will never go away, and life will never be the same again.
Whilst collecting today, I heard one lady as she walked past say 'charity starts at home'. I know we can't all give all the time, and there are lots of charities out there, but when cancer has affected your life it becomes personal. (I also have to say she was the only person as most people were very generous)
My one wish for the day is that she watched the news this evening and regrets making that comment and not even putting 20c in the tin. The only way we are going to find a cure and stop this happening to our children is research and that is not going to come from the government, but people like you and me. So forgive me but I will keep raising funds, and trying to make a difference, and if you don't want to donate just say 'no', but it won't stop me asking.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Shelley and her family.
Heres to the dream of living in a cancer free world. Night night. xx

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