Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Telethon WeekendWhat a brilliant weekend this turned out to be. Thanks to Ali G Harry got to go to the opening show and then we also had tickets for the final show. We spent Friday evening watching the show at home, and having a laugh with everyone on facebook, commenting on what was happening. Next year we will all have to get together and watch it! We saw Harry, Ali, Lauren and Blair on the television a lot as they were only a few rows from the front. Harry loved it and has told me that next year he is going, but will stay there till 2am! Seriously think that he has missed most of his childhood and thinks he is an adult.
Sunday afternoon we all headed off to the phone room with our cheque from Telethon. Slightly broken due to someone cheque riding the night before, but a bit of masking tape and no-one would know. We got our few minutes of fame and met a few of the stars. The kids had a dance with one of the home and away stars and we also met singer / songwriter Amanda Canzrulo. After this we headed off back to the Convention centre and managed to sneak the four of us in to watch the final show. The Adventurers raised over $1,011,000 last year which was amazing and a great effort by all.

Ellies BirthdayCan't believe Ellie is turning 7 on October 21st.
Friday night we went to Sandrino's for dinner and Ellies friend Molly came with us. Dinner was lovely and the girls had a great time. Then Mollie stayed for a sleepover and they were both very well behaved.
After a bit of a disagreement with the council about putting up a bouncy castle at point walter, everything was on track to have the party at the park! Apart from the weather. 7.30am Saturday morning and I look out the window and all I can see are black clouds. Then I hear thunder!! So the next thing is for the tidying up to start as we had to have the party at home.
What a day! Thanks to Harry and his friends who organised a few games for the children and to Matt from Buddys Bouncy castles who provided a trampoline and a good time was had by all.

Harrys Make A Wish
Finally after lots of organising Harrys make a wish was presented on the 29th October. Originally he had asked for a trip to japan, but after the disaster over there we were not allowed to go. He then decided to ask for a jet ski. I didn't think they would let him have one, but make a wish said it was ok, they just needed permission from Harrys doctor. I had already spoken to Harrys surgeon before he asked and his reply was 'if he falls off he will hurt himself, but then if he falls down the stairs he will also hurt himself and you can't wrap him in cotton wool!'
The oncologist however said 'no', so make a wish then asked the surgeon and he said 'it was ok!' So Harrys wish was granted.
Thanks to everyone who came down and spent the day with us. The day started off well, but unfortunately a few bumps and Harry and Fletcher ended up in the water. Harrys arm was really sore and after a couple of hours I took him to PMH and got an x-ray done to check nothing was out of place. All I could hear was the oncologists voice saying 'no you can't have a jet ski', my mum saying 'I don't like jet ski's they are dangerous', and my Dad saying 'it looks a bit choppy out there!'
Luckily the x-ray was fine. The radiographer had x-rayed Harry a few times and Harry asked if everything was ok, so she let us look at the x-ray. Harry looked at the x-ray and said 'I am not sure that screw was there before!' I had to point out we were checking nothing was out of place not that another screw had jumped through his skin and into his arm.
Harry had pulled a muscle and due to the limited movement in his arm, the arm is more tender than it would be for most.
So a few weeks passed and on Saturday we took the jet ski back down to the river and had a bit of a blast around in the water. We just had Harry, Ellie, and their friend Lara on the biscuit and they had a great time. The dolphins were also swimming around and whilst we sat and watched them one of them swam under the jet ski!
The only problem now is that I need to learn how to reverse the trailer! So tomorrow morning we are off down to the river to have a go at reversing! Shame it is also going to be 34 degrees!

School Swimming

This is a time that I have beeen dreading since I found out Harry had cancer and that his arm was not going to work as it should. Harrys school did swimming in term two last year and we actually went from his last swimming lesson to PMH and the rest as they say is history. Harry was really emotional all weekend, and I presumed it was because he was worried about the swimming, but when i asked him he didn't know what was wrong.
Finally on Sunday evening Harry admitted he was worried about not being able to do the swimming. I just wanted to fix everything and make it right, but I couldn't. I went to swimming on the Monday to make sure that they understood the situation and all seemed to be ok. I watched as Harry swam with all his friends but only using his right arm, and the tears streamed down my face. It breaks my heart to think that this bloody disease causes so much heart ache and it is so unfair. These poor children are being robbed of their lives, their childhood and also all the effects of the treatment that the children are left to suffer for the rest of their lives.
Harry has managed to keep up with everyone and today he had to do the life saving, which means swimming a certain distance with his clothes on. I really hope that he passes as it will be such a boost for him, but even if he doesn't the fact that he has been involved is brilliant.

Well I hope that I have remembered all the important parts of the past few weeks. I am going to finish off this part of the blog at the end of the year, and get the blog printed to keep a record of this chapter in our lives. I will continue the blog to keep everyone updated afterwards.

LIFE IS A GIFT!!!!!!!!!

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