Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Another month has gone by!

As most of you probably know we have had the scans and after a bit of a scare all is good. The day before the scan Harry fell over at school and his knee was hurting. He could hardly walk on it at one point and was back on the crutch. Harry decided that it was to do with going to hospital as every time we have been in there for an appointment he slips or falls just before. When we went for the scans we went to physio and they suggested that if nothing showed up on the bone scan it was down to muscle and nothing we could do.
During harrys bone scan the lady mentioned everything looked ok, and being the nosey person I am, I had a look and said 'if that is normal, then what is that bit?' There was a piece of SOMETHING which was coming down from his growth plate. The reply was 'oh I didn't notice that' and then started to tell me about tumours, and bone infections, which was where this whole nightmare started. I felt so sick, but had to try not to show it as harry was with me.
He thought I was upset because of another child on the ward, so I just let him believe that. After the scan I went to the ward and told them I wanted the results that day and not in a week. Typical 3B, no phone call later on, so I rang and found out that the change in his growth plate was due to altered weight bearing, and there was no sign of recurring disease.
I felt fine until the following day when I got a phone call off the oncologist who said that she couldn't tell me the answers until they had their meeting on Monday as the scans were obviously not normal. Great - so two different answers, but I decided, after finally calming down, that I was going to believe the first doctor, and that my oncologist was on a power struggle and was telling me that she would tell me when she was ready, not when I needed to know!
We went to the appointment on Wednesday and there were no oncologists there so I presumed all was good and saw Dr Connor who confirmed this. The scary thing is that this is going to happen every 3 months and then 4 months and 6 months until we get to the 5 year mark. Don't know if my nerves can handle this.

The skydive took place on the weekend of the 17th September. We were very lucky with the weather on the Saturday as we managed to get 28 of the 34 people to jump, but unfortunately the weather turned and the last 6 people have had to postpone their jumps.
The weekend was very eventful with lots of laughs, tears and new friendships made.
So far we have raised about $55000, which is great but next year when we do it you have to raise the $1000 before you are allowed to jump. That way we will increase the amount we raise.
I ended up jumping twice and the second time I pulled my own parachute, and jumped at sunset which was amazing.
Till the next time.....


  1. Well done Vic on your jumps and the event itself!! Keep it up Harry!!! <3

  2. You brave girl Vic! i didn't realise this was all going on in the lead up to the Jump..you are truly amazing! xxx
