Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Second week at home - October 27th!

As you can see the chemo and operation haven't stopped Harry enjoying himself, and I am
really pleased he didn't fall off. We wrapped the cast in a bin liner and it didn't get wet at all. He held on to Mals life jacket with the good arm, well apart from when he was waving to us, but I have to say it was worth it to see the smile on his face.

This is our second week at home and so far so good. We had bloods done today and his platelets and white blood cells are fine, but he is neutropenic at the moment, so let's hope we get through the next few days with no issues and then next week we are back into hospital for chemo. We raced in to the hospital this morning and back out as quick as we could as Harry wanted to go to school. Then this evening when I was trying to wash him and Ellie was in the bath I realised that they didn't hep-flush his line so could mean we still have to go back before Tuesday. If so, will go after school tomorrow as Harry will not be happy if he has to miss school.

Ellie is well and has recovered from all the excitement of her birthday, and now this weekend is her dance concert. She is very excited about it, and the little dance outfits are very cute.

I have spent the last 10 days trying to catch up on things at home from being in the hospital and also from not having much 'child' free time as we had the school holidays when we were home after the operation. It takes a couple of days to feel normal after coming home from the hospital, so have no idea how Harry feels with the chemo he has to deal with. I just have to cope with hospital food and lots of weeing through the night.

We are still waiting to hear if Harry can change his broviac to a port. I saw our oncologist today and she said the surgeon is thinking about it. Hopefully she will hurry up and say 'yes' as the weather is getting warmer and I am sure this will only make Harry grumpier if he can't swim.

I have just been watching videos of people sky diving in York and in a way wish we were doing it tomorrow, then I wouldn't have any time to think about it. It actually looks like great fun, so let's hope I am still thinking that when the time comes.
Thanks to everyone who has donated to the fundraising page. It is great to be doing something to help the ward after all they have done for Harry. We have all different people jumping and today I was chatting to the lady who did harrys finger prick test. I mentioned the sky dive and she started asking a couple of questions. I then asked if she fancied it, and she said 'well I was going to do it for my 58th birthday last year but decided to wait for my 60th, but this is a good reason to jump, so why not!' So of course with registration form in my bag, I handed her one and hopefully that will be another one to add to the jump. The young girl in the post office was also saying the other day that she would love to jump, but didn't know where she would find the money. Then yesterday I saw her and she said if she can't find the money her Dad has said he will pay for her, so could be another one!! It should be a good weekend, so if you are hanging around the weekend of January 8th, pack up your camping gear and come to York and watch a group of mad people jump out of a plane for the children of WA who are living with cancer.


If you see me or anyone that is jumping regularly then you can just give us the cash and we will give you a receipt for tax purposes. If not, then go to the link above, hit donate now and you can make a donation on your credit card within about 3 minutes!!

Well I had better go and get some sleep, as I am doing a phoenix card open house tomorrow and the house is in complete disarray!!

Night to everyone. Take care, and have a great weekend. xx

Check this out if you are considering jumping! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O8NiNj15Mk&feature=related

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