Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Another big weekend!

One of many reasons not to drink again!

We got home on Friday afternoon as planned and spent our last few hours with Cousin Tom. He is actually leaving Saturday morning at 6 am and not 10.30 pm as we thought. We went down to Point Walter in the afternoon and had a few beers / ruskis and some hot chips and chilled with the usual gang which was great.
So Tom went and stayed with John and Marj as Uncle John has also gone back to the UK for Geoffs funeral on Monday, and as they were going to have to get up at 3 am, it saved him having to wake us all up. It has been lovely having him here and I will miss him when he is gone.
Saturday morning we got up and got ready for the Bosom Buddies lunch 2010. I was picked up at 11.30 and I was going to be sensible and not drink too much!! OK, well I tried. I was ok at the lunch and then we left and went to Raffles and it all went out the window. A huge load of vodka and red bulls later and I think I got in about 11.30pm. So 12 hours of drinking! No wonder I feel like death today. Anyway I have had a couple of weeks with a few too many drinks and I am going to put it down to the stress of my life at the moment, and will try not to drink that much again until my birthday. Wow that will be an acheivement as my birthday is a whole 3 weeks away!! Anyway the lunch was a great success, I managed to buy a painting that I have no idea where I will put but really liked and I caught up with a whole lot of people I haven't seen for ages. Denise Salleo, Sonya Ryan as well as a lot of Mum's who I just haven't had time to see over the last few months. Well done to Heidi, Gillian, Tanya and Jo, you guys did an awesome job.
I have recruited a few more people to jump on the 8th January, so if it wasn't the booze talking then we are up to over 20 jumpers!! I will speak to the company over the next few days and will let those interested know more definite details.
Harry is doing well after this round of chemo. He is feeling really tired but has managed not to be sick which is great. As you all know Harry - him going to bed and sleeping for 13hours, you just know he isn't himself. We just have to remember that every day is a step closer to the finish of our chemo.
Have a great week and let's hope we stay at home. It is Ellies 6th Birthday on Thursday and her party on Saturday, so we need to be here for that.
Hope everything goes well tomorrow, we will be thinking of you all in the UK. Geoff, you will be missed but not forgotten. Love you xx


  1. At first I thought you had antlers on your head Victoria... surely too early for Christmas parties!

  2. I am a lucky one who can drink herself under the table (of course i never ever do that) and still wake up in the morning bouncing like i have been on pop the night before!!!

    my sister has a trick as she isn't so lucky so will pass it on for your birthday just incase those who are a bad influence on you try and make you drink!!

    before sleep 2 pints of water to wash down 2 paracetamol or equivalent!!!
    apparently works a treat for her lol,
    P.S Harry you have a fantastic mumzy THANK YOU AGAIN X
