Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Home tomorrow

Well this is the 12th treatment over and done, and 11 more to go. We found out on Tuesday that we are on the 4 month treatment and not the 7 month treatment and believe it or not I was a bit disappointed! Yes Karen, I know you told me so! I could explain why, but as I have now got over it and am quite happy to be on the 4 month treatment then it really doesn't matter.
I have also been told some great news, but the problem is I am not allowed to tell anyone, and for those of you that know me, know it will be very difficult. (ok so I have told one person - and I had to ring them in the UK as everyone here is asleep!) So I will try and keep my excitement contained and when I am allowed to tell you I will.
Ellie has gone off to Nanny Jens for a sleep over tonight and seemed to be very happy so hopefully she has slept well and Nanny will let her stay again one night.
The chemo has been pretty tough this time. Even though Harry has had it before it has been a few weeks and this one is particularly tough. He has been very sleepy and felt really sick. They have given him lots of anti sickness drugs and this has helped, but he still doesn't feel great.
Today the music therapist and the OT took harry and a couple of the other kids outside and did some music therapy with them. They then also wrote on a large piece of paper all the things they hate about being in hospital and having chemo. They put injections, missing friends, treatment, etc and the one I thought most interesting FOOD! Seriously they need to do something about the food here as it is down on the kids list of dislikes along with injections and chemo!! Says it all really. Anyway they then filled up a load of water balloons and threw them at the piece of paper which was great fun for them, and a way to release some tension. So thanks to Beth and the girls for organising this.
So the plan is that now we are (fingers crossed) going home tomorrow and then we will have a couple of weeks at home. Then back for 3 weeks. This means in on a Monday and out hopefully Thursday. Then we have another couple of weeks off, and then we have another 3 weeks, a week off, 3 weeks, a week off and then 2 weeks. Then we are done!! I know that there is always room for delays, if Harry gets sick in between but as I keep telling the doctors we don't have time for temperatures! They were talking today about giving him an injection in his leg, which basically promotes the growth of his white blood cells if he needs it, however as he hasn't had any temperatures at this point then he doesn't need to have it! The doctors were fine with this and also said that we had just saved the hospital $2000. I did said that I would split it with them, but they didn't seem to be up for it.
The other thing is that 2 lovely people have suggested that they do a sky dive for PMH in January and raise some money for the ward. I have to say that the gesture made me cry, as people never seem to amaze me. Unfortunately some people amaze me because they are so stupid, nasty and selfish but you 2 know who you are and after a lot of rubbish going on you have restored my faith in the human race. Thanks so much, I love you both lots. So now I think we need to all get together and make it a big event. Once I have finalised the details I will let you know, but we will need a few people to volunteer and sky dive and then we need everyone to support the event and donate! I am so excited that I can't even sleep and it is months away!
So if you want to get involved and be a jumper or a donater, then let us know. More details will follow shortly.

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