Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day Two

Well I can say that we have made it through day two as it is nearly midnight. Harry managed to get through the night of chemo last night and slept a reasonable amount, as did I. He then felt a bit sick in the morning and was given a tablet which completely wiped him out and one we won't be having again. He pretty much got up at 7.30 then we had a shower and a bit of breakfast and then he fell asleep till nearly 2pm.
He was a bit angry today about the whole thing and why did he have to have this cancer, but this is only to be expected and something we just have to get through. Good job I have broad shoulders, and can handle the insults he will no doubt throw at me. (and anyone else who is standing within ear shot!)
Ellie has been a gem. I didn't speak to her this evening, but apparently she said to Darren that they were doing some bonding (or something along those lines) which was just so great to here. She has also picked out a couple of things from the toy sale catalogue and has worked out that if we don't buy them for her, she knows who the soft touch is and who she is going to ask! You know who you are!!
Ella Miller came in to see Harry which made him smile and laugh for a bit whilst she was here, so thanks Ann for bringing her.
I heard Nanny Jen ask Harry how his day was and luckily he just said 'it was a bit rubbish', which was good as I was waiting for him to say something far more colourful!
Once more thanks so much for all your cards, presents for Harry, and well wishes. It really is comforting to know that there is so much support out there.
Night for now.
P.S. No comfy chair for me Karen, I have my own bed!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day one of Chemo

Well it is now 11pm, Harry and I are still awake and he is peeing on average every 20 minutes. Yes we have started the chemo.
We spent all day just hanging around and finally it started at 6.45pm. I felt really sad when it started, as I still can't believe that this is happening. He has this treatment for 48 hours and then 24 hours of hydration. My concern is how I will get any sleep as he has seriously been weeing every half an hour, if not more. The nurses have said it should slow down in a bit as the fluids slow down, but dear me sugar free red bulls will be on the next shopping list. Hold on I think he is asleep......yes he is finally! Some peace and quiet at last.
Harry has eaten every couple of hours and just half an hour he stole some sandwiches out of the fridge. Think he is trying to get even more stores in before he feels crap.
Hannah and Isabella popped in today to say hello, which made Harrys day and he showed them mega zone. (thanks Michelle for bringing them up!) Helen and Rebecca (mums from school) who work here also popped in, so it was nice to see some familiar faces.
I spoke to Ellie after Darren picked her up from Mum and Dad's and she sounded so grown up. No tears and quite happy that Daddy was going to put her to bed and he had promised to lie with her.
Anyway I have attached a couple of photos. Althought not sure if they have both uploaded. Harry practising for wimbledon in a few years and his favourite nurses taking his blood this morning.
The room has been painted a very vibrant green and the new carpet goes down tomorrow. Nothing like getting things done quickly. Think we have been talking about a new carpet for the kids rooms for over a year, but in less than a week it has been ordered and being delivered.
Got some more pictures but forgot the cable to download them so will do that later on.

Well that is day one over......and we might not have beaten Germany in the football but believe we won in the cricket!! Funny there has been no mention of that!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our darling Harry

Dear Harry,

2 weeks ago the doctor said he thought you might have 'osteosarcoma' and tomorrow you are going to be starting chemo. I am so sorry that this has happened to you and would do anything within my power to change it, but I can't! All I can do is promise you that we will be with you every step of the way. It is ok to be scared as we are also scared, and it is not even us who has got to go through this treatment.

Be as strong as you can be, remain positive and happy, and remember we all love you very much. Your strength of character and the love surrounding you, will bring you through this.

Thanks to everyone for their kind words, and offers of help. It is all very much appreciated.

Be brave dear Harry, and remember what you said to me in the hospital, 'god gave me this because I am strong!' Such mature words for someone so young.

We love you lots, Harry!

Love mum and all the family xx

P.S. England you are crap at football.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

First female prime minister in Australia but at this moment, it is only of interest if she can make this nightmare go away!

We have been home since Tuesday afternoon, and Harry got his apple mac on Wednesday morning, which he is very pleased with.

After his hearing test on Wednesday, Darren took Harry to Barbagellos and Harry had a ride in the James Bond car - and another car of which I have no idea of the name. Harry apparently wasn't fussed with the Lamborghini, so didn't bother having a ride in that one. Photos not uploading so will have to try again!

Today Harry went for the pet scan. Unfortunately after sitting around for a couple of hours they told them the machine was broken and he had to come back. The next date was booked for Friday but as Harry wants to go and spend the afternoon at Point Walter with his friends, I rang up and we managed to get it changed to the saturday.

On Monday the Chemo starts. This goes on for 10 weeks before Harry has to have more tests and then surgery. He is doing pretty well all things considered, just got to keep up his sense of humour.

Cousin Laura has 'e' mailed to say she is coming to Perth in a couple of weeks, so as you can imagine the kids are very excited and Harry has even said she can spend the night in the hospital with him! Will have to get that spare room ready! Don't worry Laura you will earn your keep in babysitting Ellie this time! She has already asked if you can put her to bed if I am not here.

Nanny Jen is due back on Saturday and we are all going to stop with Nanny and Kong Kong that evening as we are having the floor done and Harrys room painted - what colour do you think he has choosen??

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Home again

Well we are back home and will be here till the end of the week. Harry has had a good couple of days and we have had a few laughs between us, and a few tears. The hardest part is when he gets upset and says 'why me?' How can you answer that question? The words chemotherapy and your child shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence, yet Harry will be starting chemo on Monday next week. He had a few tests today, and has got a hearing test tomorrow and then a PET scan on Thursday. Harry is planning on going into school possibly on Friday, as he would like to catch up with some of his friends, however his number one priority at the moment is the apple mac that he wants to buy.

The chemo is going to be pretty tough going and I am sure at this stage I really have no idea how tough it is going to be, but one thing I know is that if nothing else Harry will get through this because of his strong spirit and the fact that he is surrounded by so many people who love him, both here and in England.

If anyone wants to send Harry an 'e' mail you can contact him on harry.oneill8@gmail.com

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day on Ward 3B

Harry and Ellie a couple of months ago!!

Well I suppose this is the first day of the next year. We dropped Ellie off next door at 7.30 this morning in her pyjamas and off we went with Harry to PMH. Harry was in good spirits, and he went to hospital school whilst we waited for his operation to put the broviac line in.
The nurses came to take him down around lunchtime, and you could see he was starting to get a bit anxious. I have to say so was I, and I wasn't having anything done. The staff were all great, and he went off to sleep nicely and the operation was due to be an hour long. Darren and I went off to get something to eat as we hadn't eaten all morning as thought we better 'fast' with Harry. The doctor came in an hour later to tell us that everything had gone well and Harry was waking up. He then had to go for an x-ray to check that the line had been put in the right place, and slowly started waking up.
He was a bit groggy when he woke up which was understandable, and didn't say a lot, which is unusual. He managed to eat a ham sandwich, but complained he was feeling a bit sick for a while. Kong Kong, Darren and I sat with him for a while and he slowly started to have a laugh.
The ward he is on is like the basement and you can see the cars going past. Harry sat there and must have completely forgot where he was, as he said 'is there a hospital near by as I have seen three ambulances go past today?' Well we couldn't stop laughing. Shortly after the ladies from Radio Lollipop came by and I decided to leave them all playing a game of skip bo. Kong Kong (Dad) stayed with Darren and it was lovely to see the 'boys' doing some bonding.
I came home to pick up Ellie and we rang Harry so that Ellie could speak to him. Since I had left Harry had managed to have some dinner, and had started walking around. Ellie said she couldn't wait till Harry gets home, poor thing has no idea of what the next year is going to bring, but maybe this is a good thing.
Tomorrow Harry has to have a heart test and also a kidney test. Then a hearing test on Wednesday and a Pet Scan on Thursday. We are still not sure when the treatment is going to start but we are having a meeting with Dr Phillips tomorrow and am sure that we will find out then.

Thanks for all your kind messages, texts and phone calls. It is lovely to know we have so much support.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Harry O'Neills Journey

Harry had been complaining of having a sore arm for a few weeks, which we had put down to being a pulled muscle and there was no point in going to the doctors as there was nothing they could do.

On June 7th Harry had swimming and complained of his arm hurting again, but this time Mum thought it was because he didn't want to do squad swimming. After waking in the night on Monday and Tuesday and complaining of pain, we booked an appointment at the doctors. The doctor then advised us to go for an x-ray, which we did the following morning. The radiologist advised us that the humerus bone in his left arm looked unusual and they thought he might have a bone infection. So we returned to the doctors and had blood tests.

Friday 11th June we went to the get the results after Harry finished his final school swimming lesson and passed level 10. The doctor advised us that the blood tests looked fine but sent us to Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) for children and advised us to go to emergency as we would see someone quicker than if he was referred to a specialist. Harry then had to give more blood, had a CT Scan and then an MRI. After all this we were told that they didn't think it was a bone infection but a tumour of some sort. At this point they were thinking benign tumour as he was showing no other symptoms. So we went home for the weekend blissfully unaware of the news we were to receive the following week.

June 14th - Darren, Harry and I visited Professor David Wood at 7.30 am who told us that they were going to do an open biopsy on the Tuesday as this was the only definite way to confirm what sort of tumour it was. Darren asked him what he thought it was and he said Osteosarcoma with chemotherapy as treatment. All I understood was the chemotherapy and just started praying that he was wrong. We then went in to PMH and Harry had a bone scan, and again we returned home for the night.

June 15th - Harry had his open biopsy and a drain was put in the shoulder which remained there over night. The GA made him slightly sick, but he was in good spirits and enjoyed meeting the kids on the ward.

June 16th - Just after lunch, the Orthopaedic Registrar advised us that the oncology team would come and see us and they confirmed that Harry had Osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Our lovely 9 year old Harry is now going to have to go through Chemo, surgery and then further chemo. This has to be the worst day of our lives.

June 17th - We explained to Harry that he was going to get very sick, lose his hair and have to have surgery. We told him that the Doctor who is going to do his surgery also treated a young friend of Harrys who has been through this nightmare 4 years ago. Harry being Harry then says he is going to tell his friends 'he has cancer, is going to lose his hair and miss a lot of school!'

Prof David Woods to be known in future as Prof advises Harry will require major surgery in 3 months time .....