Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

6 Chemos left.... yes only 6!

Last day of term and only 6 chemo's to go. We went into hospital a bit late on Monday but again still started chemo at 6pm. No sickness this time, which was great and a good week was had.
Back in Room 7, but I managed to score a bed for 2 nights which was great. Nicola was in and so was Lochie which was nice. Camp quality came to visit on Tuesday, and bought the kids lots of presents, then we went up to megazone and met the Eagles. Not huge footie fans, but the team were all really nice and Harry is now on the Eagles website.
Tuesday evening our favourite lollipops came in accompanied by the friendly firemen. They sat and played our new game of 'snorta' which was great fun and Harry recognised one of the guys from the firemen calendar! Mr February was there. The nurses were finding all sorts of reasons to come into the room. The kids certainly wouldn't have needed to press their buzzers that night.
Wednesday morning they had another party on the ward and Santa came in and visited everyone which was great. They also had a great face painter in there, and Donna and I managed to get a face paint as well.
Ellie popped in to see us on Wednesday. Donna W went to get Hungry Jacks for all the kids, which was great to see, lots of eating and all feeling well.
Thursday morning we had blood levels done at 8. Echo at 10, santa visiting pre-primary at 11.30 and harry had to be at the movies by 12.30 to see Narnia. So a busy day by all accounts, and guess what the blood machine has broken. Ward rounds are done, and still no results. Echo done and no results. Car packed.... no results. 11am bloods are finally received somewhere and results are done in 20 minutes. Then we have to unhook Harry, and so we have missed Santa. I think this is what they call 'sods law'. Every other week we have results by ward round and are ready to go by 10!
I dropped Harry at the movies and then got to pre-primary. Missed the party and santa, but Ellie was in good spirits and was happy enough to stay at school with her friends till the end of the day.
Went to Point Walter in the afternoon and with it being the end of term, there were lots of people there. Great to see everyone and managed to sell a few more keyrings.
We now have 3 days at home and then we are back in for one more chemo before Christmas.

Better get some sleep for now. Chat soon.

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