Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A year has passed

So as usual I left you all hanging there for a while after the swimming carnival and our year post chemo results, so thought I better update you.
The swimming carnival was great. I was so proud of harry for taking part and to top it all off he got a third and a fourth. Which considering he hasn't done any swim training for 2 years isn't bad, and the other small fact that he can only use one arm was pretty outstanding.

I was involved in helping with the places of the children, and one of the kids who came 5th was having a real strop and decided he wanted to go home and didn't want to swim anymore. Honestly after watching my son swim with one arm and just be so happy to be involved, I could have easily drowned this child. I suppose the problem is that we have now been faced with a life that has become the norm for us but for so many others it is not.

Quite a few parents didn't even realise that harry couldn't use his arm, and it was so nice to hear everyone cheering him on, and yes I did cry.
So now I just have to try and encourage him to do some swimming - even if it is just for fitness.

Harry has also done his end of year tests. This involved a kidney test, heart test, hearing test, bone scan and CT of his chest. Whilst it is always a nerve racking time, I know that he will be ok, and if he isn't you will find me on the floor with a bottle of vodka.

We now go to scans every 6 months and blood tests in between, which is great as it means less time in hospital, and let's just hope that the chemo and surgery has done enough to stop the dreadful disease ever returning.

One of the pictures that I have uploaded is actually a poem that Harry wrote during his first term in year 6 this year. Not sure if you will be able to read it as it is quite small, but it is worth a read.

Another mother of a child who was diagnosed a year ago, put this on facebook and I think it really sums up how your world changes when your child is diagnosed with cancer. ( I have changed it to fit harry and his story)

A year ago today my childs life was forever changed...a year ago today a doctor came to us with news that our then 9 yr old son had osteosarcome...a year ago today my sons normal became anything but that...a year ago today we began a journey that will last a life-time....a year ago today the worries I had before didnt hold a candle to the worries I would face as a parent of a child with cancer...a year ago today my son started to fight for her life...a year ago today i began to watch them pump toxic chemicals into my sons body ...a year ago today i started learning my new vocabulary of words I didn't even know existed...I never thought I would be dealing with a sick child and watch him suffer but find it in himself to smile through the pain...I saw my son become the strongest person I know...a year ago today is now our forever.

I am definitely going to print off the blog after this post.It is funny reading back over the blog as I write it like it was 'us' going through the treatment and not just harry, but I suppose that is because I have been there every step of the way.
It has been a year since we finished chemo and began living our life back at home and away from PMH. I sometimes can't quite believe what the hell just happened, and if I sat and digested it all I am pretty sure I would fall in a big heap on the floor and it might take me a long time to get back up. This however I WILL NOT DO!

Harry has got to live with the effects of his cancer for the rest of his life and unfortunately he has grown up way to fast after being faced with a situation that a child should never have to go through.

I hate the 'C' word and wish that it had never become part of our lives, but I suppose for now we just have to get on with it and hope that the little bastard never comes back.

I will continue to update the blog at intervals but if you want to send us an email at any point feel free. vic@suremigration.com

This is your last chance to be mentioned in the blog, so if you have been a part of our life over the last couple of years then please feel free to leave a message.

For now its goodnight from us xx

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tough one!

I know there are people out there who are worse off than us, but this is still going to be a tough one for me. Ever since Harry was little he loved the water. Looking back through my pictures he was always in a bucket, bath, and I even have pictures of them in the wheelie bin! Swimming and playing water polo were what he loved.
I remember when the surgeon told us about the operation I said 'well that solves that argument!' To which he asked 'what argument?' and I said 'will he swim for England or Australia?'
The fact that he is going to swim even though he can only use one arm is pretty special, but just another reminder of the crap that cancer puts our children through.
I haven't been able to stop crying since I woke up, so I just hope by the time the swimming carnival is here I will have no more tears left.
OK, so I have done my boxing and hopefully now I am too knackered too cry! Must go and get ready as I am the place scribe!
To my darling Harry, your strength, and courage is outstanding. Your compassion for others after being through so much yourself is truly awe inspiring. I know I am biased because I am your mother, but I am so proud of you, as is everyone around you. To make us smile, and sometimes cry is what makes you you! As they said in assembly yesterday. Harry please don't change! xxxx
Go get 'em Diamond!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3 months into 2012!

Well as you can see I didn't end up getting the blog printed and have decided that I should update you all now as Harry is currently going through his scans which mark a year post treatment.
It has been a busy start to the year. Nanny pat was here until early March. We went to Bunbury, Jurien bay - swam with the sealions - and I also got Nan to have a ride on the back of the jetski! She can't say she leads a boring life at the age of 83!
Unfortunately Grandad Jim passed away at the end of February and Mum went back to the UK for the funeral and to catch up with the family. Hopefully now he will be reunited with Nanny Dos and they will be looking down upon us and watching over us.
Darren is back in the UK at the moment, and is also spending a week in Malta. It was Nanny Shirleys 70th birthday which is why he went back and is catching up with friends and family whilst over there.
Life is as busy as ever. I have started doing some regular excercise as am just getting bigger and bigger. The excercise is making me feel lots better and definitely giving me more energy.
Work is busy but if you know anyone who wants to migrate to Australia, please feel free to give them my details. vic@suremigration.com
Harry and Ellie are both really enjoying school. Harry has two fantastic teachers and he is really excelling himself. Ellie has a lovely teacher but unfortunately she is leaving tomorrow so hope that the new teacher who starts next week is as good.
The 3rd skydive is booked for the end of October this year, so if anyone is interested then feel free to get in touch. Minimum fundraising requirement is $1000 per person which shouldn't be hard as you have got over 6 months to arrange it.
So now we are at the year check ups. It really is a strange feeling, whilst it seems to be a milestone like your first birthday or first anniversay, the sad thing is that in three months time we will be having more checks. We will never be free from this bastard disease, it will always be a black cloud which hangs over us and we just have to hope that it doesn't drop down and affect us anymore than it already has. I know that Harry will be ok. He is looking great, and is pretty healthy, but forgive me for being a little negative when I say that it scares the shit out of me, because he looked all of those things when he was diagnosed.
Harry and his friends have all started to get mobile phones and Harry has now become obsessed with getting an iphone. Seriously, these children just expect everything, and I spent the weekend telling him this and that there was more to life etc. Then I sat here last night and thought, if I could change the path we have just been down and never be affected by the cancer stick I would give him as many iphones as he wanted.
Whilst 3B is a place that you never want to go to, the determination, courage and strength which these children have is amazing. Going back to the ward today feels like going home in a way, and when you think of it over 10% of harrys life has been connected with that ward!
Anyway as many as you have seen on facebook this is a week that has to be organised precisely and strategically.
Worked yesterday in rockingham, left the house at 7.45 and got home at 8.15 after picking the kids up from mom and dad's and having dinner.
Today I went to boxing, then up to the hospital to take over from kong kong and his duties. Finished up there at 1.30, back home to get some food and then picked the kids up from school. Caught up with a mum from school, dance for ellie, then dinner and now the kids are in bed.
Tomorrow we are back up to PMH for 9am. Mum should be coming up about 1, as I have to be back to see Ellie do her edudance. Then I have an appointment with Ellie at 3.30. Tennis with harry at 5.30 and then dinner, bed.
Thursday - assembly as harry is getting an honour certificate. Down to rockingham for work, back to town for a CPD and then the evening ritual.
friday - boxing and then swimming carnival. Friday afternoon - crashing and getting my breath back!
Must run as I really should be working and getting to bed before 1am!
Anyway fingers crossed for good results, and hope to be celebrating next week with a few cocktails at the Adventurers cocktail party!
Thanks to everyone for your support as always xxxxxxxxxxxxxx