Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Time really does fly!

Sorry I haven't updated the blog in a while, but life has been a bit crazy which I know is normal, but just haven't got round to it.
We are in term 3 at school, and unfortunately harry is still in his wheelchair. We are going to see the surgeon on Friday so hopefully he will have good news for us and those bones will have started to heal. Harry has been really good about being in the chair, but will be great for him to be up and walking again. He has been seeing a healer in Rockingham, who he likes seeing and chats to him about things, so hopefully things will have worked there.
We are also going back to have a look at his hearing aids. He doesn't wear them as he says they are uncomfortable, but he is definitely mishearing things. So hopefully they will find an alternative that is more comfortable.
Having been in the chair again for a few weeks, Harry has decided to start watching what he is eating. It is great to see him eating healthily and actually thinking about what he is eating. Hopefully then when he starts walking that extra bit of weight will drop off.
We still haven't finalised the jet ski, but apparently darren and I have to do our skippers ticket before they will put the order in. We are going to do this in September, and hopefully then we will have the jet ski in the next school holidays or when the weather starts to warm up.
Jurien Bay was a nice break in the holidays. It is about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Perth and we stayed in the Ronald McDonald Chalets. Mum and Dad also came up for a few days which helped to entertain the kids. We did a bit of fishing, went to the pinnacles and then we did some four wheel driving. The kids loved this until we got ourselves a bit bogged, but luckily dad is an expert, and we let the tyre pressures down and off we went.
We saw the skydive centre and checked out the accomodation that people will be staying in over the weekend. Can't believe it is only four weeks away. Sandrinos restaurant which is owned by our friends in Fremantle is holding a dinner to raise money for the skydive, so looking forward to that. We have approximately 40 people jumping at the moment, so now we just have to raise some money.
On the family side of things : Cousin Billy is now a Dad and cousin Katie is expecting twins in January! So all should be busy there.
Nanny Pat has now decided to come to Perth for christmas which should be nice. We have booked to go back to Jurien Bay for a week which should be nice and we will take Nan with us. I did tell her tonight that if she upsets me before then she just won't be able to come!! We have also booked a weekend in bunbury so that should keep us busy over the school holidays.
Ellie is doing well at school and is now reading chapter books which she is particularly happy about. We asked her the other day if was the best reader in the class, and she thought about it for a second and said 'no, third best!'
I went to the naturopath the other day to get my metabolism checked and found out that pretty much everything in my body is out of whack. Hormones are all over the place and my thyroid is also underactive. Yippee, so there is a reason why I haven't been able to lose weight. She also explained that my stress levels were so high that if a lion walked through the door I wouldn't even react! So only a few days in and I am already feeling a bit better and calmer.
Darrens back is giving him grief. He did a lot of painting for a friend and this has obviously aggrivated it. He is going to the chiro, and hope that this done something.
Not long now till the rugby starts, so let's hope England does well as they could do with a bit of a boost after all the recent carry on over there.
Will let you know how we get on after the appointment on Friday.
Ciao for now xx

1 comment:

  1. Awesome stuff Harry! Just hang in there mate!! Big loves from J and The Telethon Adventurers!
