Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Monday, August 23, 2010

23rd August, 2010

Darrens first appearance on the blog with his mum!!

The latest favourite!!

Yum yum!!

Outing in Fremantle!

Well we are back in hospital for the next dose of Chemo. It feels weird, and as i said to Harry as we drove in today, "It feels like you are leaving one world and entering another one". His levels are back up so Chemo was ok to start. After watching him over the last couple of weeks, I knew the levels would be ok as he was probably neutropenic during the last week. You can tell by the moods and how he gets tired quicker.

Had a nice weekend, just chilling and trying to do normal things. Sean and Lara came round yesterday and we went for lunch and then they all went to the bowling club. It is good to keep his mind off what is going on and try and be normal.

We have apparently got a scan this Wednesday which will determine what leg they use to take the bone out of. We are trying to book an appointment to see the plastic surgeon so at the moment not sure when this will be. Will let you know when I know.

Darren is over East for a couple of days and Ellie is staying with Nanny Shirley and Laura. Hopefully they will manage to get her to sleep, as we all know how determined she can be.

Hopefully we will be home by Thursday. For all those that I haven't mentioned it to, I am having a jewellery party on Saturday September 4th from 12 - 3 pm. So if you are free then pop along. A good excuse to catch up have a glass of wine and check out some jewellery!

Harry has been asleep for the past three hours as they gave him a tablet to try and stop him itching his broviac and he fell asleep and hasn't woken up since. So maybe he might wake in the middle of the night and want to have a chat, so might get some sleep now.

I just wanted to say thanks to all the kind and wonderful people out there who have done things to help us during the last couple of months. I would name you all, but would feel awful if I have forgot someone. Whether it is having the kids at the weekend, so I can breath for a couple of hours, making food, buying us dvd's to try and break up the boredom in here, taking ellie to swimming or dancing, delivering fruit so we have some fresh produce in the house, donating to charity when I ask you or any other way you have helped, thank you! It really means a lot, and we are extremely grateful.

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