Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Friday, December 30, 2011

The last day of 2011!

I can't believe where this year has gone. So much has gone on since I last wrote the blog, that I should fill you in on a few things.

Firstly Harry passed his swimming. I was so pleased for him as this was a real boost for him. He managed to keep up with the kids in his class and seemed to enjoy the 2 weeks. Ellie also passed which was really good, as would have been a bit of a nightmare if one had passed and the other hadn't.

Nanny Pat came out in early December and is here till March. It is lovely to have her here, although think when she comes to our house she thinks we are all mad! She had a sleepover and reckoned it was the best night sleep she had had since she got here, but I think it was because she didn't want to come out of her room incase one of the kids had woken up.

Then we had Harrys birthday and took the jet ski down the river and a group of his friends. The weather turned out to be perfect and the water was really calm which was good. There were a few groups of people down there - obviously come in from in land and one of the ladies swore at the kids for throwing seaweed. They were throwing it at each other and not at anyone else, and when she was told by one of the 11 year olds, to mind her language she decided to swear again. I would have gone over and said something but then realised we were going to be hitting a pinata which was in the shape of a wheelchair. So without knowing the history they might have thought we were all a bit sick so decided just to say nothing! Harry had a good day and we ended up there till late.

The Adventurers had their christmas do at the Telethon Insititute and about 100 people got together to celebrate the effort of the past year. We were all awarded photo blocks from our events and I also got Adventurer of the year, which was a real honour. Of course we had a few drinks after to celebrate and when I got in I told Harry I had been awarded 'Australian of the year'. Although technically not quite right, it just showed how special I thought it was!

On the 21st December Harry also had his 9 month scan report, and again got the all clear. We met one of the doctors who read the report, and told us that the bone scan showed us the fracture was healing fine. Fracture, fracture, what fracture?? Well apparently when Harry came off the jet ski back in late October, he fractured his collar bone and scapula! I couldn't believe it. So although I was over the moon that he got the all clear, I think I was in shock about the fracture! Proves how tough he is though. We now go back in 3 months again which is about March time, which I am sure will be here before we know it.

Harry also got to be in the christmas pagaent which was lovely to see, but a lot of waiting around for the kids and I think next year he would rather just watch it.

It seems like only yesterday when I was writing the blog for the last day of 2010, and the funny thing is that I think a lot of my resolutions are going to be the same....surprise surprise.

Ha ha and here they are :
Heres to a better 2011. My new years resolutions are :
1. To make it through the sky dive. - I have actually made it through three and this year we are going to be doing it solo!
2. To be a better judge of character. I want to be the one who says I never trusted him/her/them rather than the one who says ‘I thought they were ok’ when they turn out to be complete moles. - I think I have got a bit better but definetely still room for improvement.
3. To lose all the weight I have put on whilst sitting around PMH waiting for a better meal to come along but eating them all just incase.
Well I did ok, but then as usual the end of the year lots of excuses for drinking and I went off the rails. So as of Monday it is back on the diet rollercoaster! This time I can't fail as I have a big year organised and lots of goals to meet

Resolutions for 2012 :
1. Be at the weight I have set by mid April.
2. Work on my migration business and make some money.
3. Enjoy life and make this a year to remember, Life is a gift!

I have decided to print the blog now, but will continue to update everyone on harrys progress over the next few years.

Wishing you all a very happy, and healthy new year, and hope that all your dreams come true in 2012! I have a feeling this is going to be a great year...........