Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The school holidays are here!

Nearly 2 weeks after the operation and things are going ok. Harry has adapted to being in the wheelchair really well all things considered. I think it is me who gets more frustrated, as it takes longer to get anywhere and you can't just jump in the car and pop out for a minute!!
Harry had an interview at CBC on Thursday and was offered a place, so he is pleased about that. Then on Saturday we went and saw the jet ski he is going to be getting from Make A Wish. He won't be getting it yet, and will try and put it off till the weather is a bit warmer but am sure it will bring hours of fun when we go down to the river.
The school holidays started on Friday and Ellie is at her friends Jessica's for a sleepover tonight. We haven't got much planned for this week, although tomorrow we are back in hospital for harrys check up. They are probably going to put a fibreglass cast on but would be so much better if he could have a removable one as we could then shower him more easily.
Going to Jurien Bay at the weekend, so will be checking out the skydive centre and the accomodation that we will be staying in for the weekend.
Only a short post as got to do a bit of work before I go to bed.
Take care, and have a good week. xx

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Finally back at home!

Well our night stay turned into a 3 night stay, but finally we are home. Harry got out of bed on Thursday but then was a bit sick, so until physio signed us off we had to stay. Harry has done really well and has had no painkillers today. He is in the wheelchair all the time, and managing it quite well. Even though he feels like he is back to square one with not being able to walk, at least the arm isn't in a sling this time.
I must admit the call of 'mum' every time he needs anything, is going to test my patience, so I better make the most of my freedom whilst he is at school this week.
We went to see Mr Poppers penguins today which was very funny, and definitely worth a visit. If you go before Wednesday next week then it is only $10 per person at Hoyts garden city.
Whilst I was in hospital I was chatting to the nurses and they were talking about how in the new childrens hospital there are going to be far more single rooms for the children. I think it is wrong as the children like to have company. For the children who are in hospital long term they need to socialise and spend time with other children. I understand that it is sometimes hard for parents to sleep when on the ward, but that is life, and if you need to drink lots of coffee. The hardest room on Ward 3B was room 7 which had 4 beds, but there was no where for the parents to sleep. If the room wasn't full we were allowed to sleep in the extra beds, but it was hard when the room was full. As long as the rooms have a recliner chair then you can get some sleep, so that would be my recommendation. Rooms of up to 4 children are fine, but maybe they need to try and put children of the same age in the room.
The kids faces used to light up when they were with their friends in the same room, and I remember harry used to get very grumpy if the room was full and he was put on his own.
So let's hope someone listens to the parents before they make their final decision on the hospital.
Good news, the doctors were quite definite that the girl who was on the ward with us, had a bone infection. They hadn't done the biopsy but seemed quite sure. So I was really pleased for them.
One more week of school, and then 2 weeks school holidays. The second week we are off to Jurien Bay to check out the accomodation for the sky dive. Also the skydive hoodies should be available shortly, so if you want a hoodie then let me know. We are also organising a dinner at Sandrinos on September 1st, to raise money for the Telethon Adventurers.
Fingers crossed that this last operation will work, and that the bone in Harrys ankle will heal together.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. xx