Our brave boy harry!

Our brave boy harry!
Love you lots.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How time flies

I can't believe the last time I wrote the blog it was 4 weeks till Bali and now it is only 3 sleeps. Woohooooo! Club Med here we come. Have to say a huge thanks to Mum and Dad as without you we wouldn't be going. Harry and Ellie are so excited. They have been singing 'we're going to bali, we're going to bali' every morning. I have managed to stop them packing up until now and have promised them we can do this on Friday.

Life has been really busy since I last wrote. Harry has been to see orthopaedics and they are still talking about another operation if the bone in the leg doesn't start to heal. We go back to see them after Bali and when Harry has done the NAPLAN test at school. Since the surgeon said he might have to have another operation Harry has walked and not used the wheelchair. Hopefully this will help the bone to heal and if it doesn't then surgery is the only option.

Harry also received a courage award from the Lions charity which was a nice day, and there were a number of children there from Ward 3B. Harry then got to be in the Melville times last week with the other people who received courage awards from the area.

We have also been to Australian Hearing for further testing into Harrys hearing. There were a couple of options. One being an FM system which the teacher can use to talk to him and which cuts out the background noise. The other is just a plain hearing aid. The FM which the government provides is a huge headphone system and wires, which obviously Harry won't wear, and the other option costs nearly $2000. So we looked at just the basic hearing aid, and then if need be he can look at the FM system. He has been to school all term without it and seems to be ok, so I suppose it is a case of wait and see.

Ellie is doing ok. She had her first school assembly, and she also read in the Anzac assembly and did really well. She is still totally obsessed with making things and we have boxes cut up everywhere and pieces of paper all over the house.

My life has been crazy busy since we got out of hospital. Work has started to pick up which is good, and keeping me busy. I have also started selling 'thermomixes' and done all my training. It was quite an intense week as it was every other evening and then I had a couple of demo's and sold my first couple of Thermo's. No more demo's now till after Easter, and then we will see if we can get a few more sold. I am really enjoying using mine and have made lots of things which I would never have tried before. We did Anzacs for school, soups, dips, sorbets, risottos, pastas, and once we get back from bali I am going to look at using the varoma dish and get steaming.

We have booked a quiz night to raise money for the Telethon Adventurers, and it is going to be held on June 10th, at the East Fremantle Footie Club. Tickets are $20 each and we are making up tables of 10. Already been donated a few prizes and again once we get back from Bali, I will be on the hunt for prizes. Anyone who wants to attend the quiz night or donate a prize, can 'e' mail me on vic@suremigration.com

The next sky dive is going to be held on September 17th at Jurien Bay and possibly the 18th as well depending on the number of people who want to jump. Anyone who wants to jump is encouraged to raise $1000 in sponsorship so we can share the load. Again if you are interested then email me on vic@suremigration.com

I am sure there are many other things that I have forgotten, but for now I hope you all have a great Easter and will have a drink or two for you all when in Bali!!